Sunday, January 10, 2016

ALBUM REVIEW: see through buildings - "applebee the cat & friends"

   I'll start this off by saying I'm not really into harsh noise as a genre almost at all, although I have several friends who perform the stuff, so my analysis here is a bit stilted. I mean, I kinda get it, but it's not my bag. That said, see through buildings is a one-man project out of Garden Grove and although on the whole this album is much like most others I've heard in that I don't entirely understand the appeal of wanting to do this as an artist or being way into it as a fan, it has a bit more nuance to it than some other stuff I've heard. For whatever reason I jotted down some notes as I listened so why not make a review out of them right?
   For the most part this type of "music" sounds like a bunch of rumbling with various hissing with no discernable pattern and I can see its appeal for like a soundtrack or something but just to listen to? Or see live, I don't know, there's like too much there but also not much there at all. That's how the first track was for me and I was listening to it while my roommate was unloading his groceries and I could tell it was kinda freaking him out so I put on my iTunes shuffle after and waited til the morning to finish the album.
   The second song is a bit of an anomaly and it says so right in the title, "damn right I can play guitar son!" Its clear that some live guitar instrumentation is going on amidst pulverizing manipulation and a strange interpolation of the alphabet song stringing along. The song title also has a level of humor that all the songs have in title alone which I feel is odd considering the offputtingly harsh sound of the "music" but in a way makes me more interested in it than more out-and-out bleak noise acts. The album's theme, in terms of the song titles, seems to be about childhood and silliness and cats or something. On the whole the music the little to advance that but that would put the alphabet song reference into context.
   My favorite track on this album was the third, "follow that feedback!" if only for that I was stoned enough to understand a narrative of my own making through the noise. It starts off again with some constant underlying rumbling with very high feedback screeching in and out but about midway there's a growing intensity and back-and-forth that intimated the feelings of being in a race, to relate back to the song's title. So now the track has taken on the identity of like a manhunt or a chase, "follow that car!!" It ends appropriately with these almost skidding sounds like the brakes being inspected after a crash.
    "the little kitty!" mainly revolves around 2 tones almost like a really redundant ringtone with extra muck and high-pitched dog-killing screeches. Like, if a dog was in the room I bet he'd freak out. Despite the song's title, my cats did NOT like this song. The similarly titled final track, "ticklin' the kitty keys" starts off brutal like it's gona turn into a death metal song but ends up sputtering on a click.
    Again, this really isn't my style of music but I know a lot of people are into this stuff nowadays and as far as I've seen see through buildings at least constructs his tracks to be something more than just background noise, although it still kinda is that to anybody with a primarily pop/rock/song-based mindset.

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