This is a hard trance album released in 2004 by Japenese DJ Yoji. I downloaded it midway through college when I was getting into rave stuff and he was headlining an event so I listened to this on the way home to Temecula one weekend and I think that was the last time I ever listened to it. It's just one hour-plus track of very repetitive non-progressive trance beats that for me alone in my car doing nothing but driving was straight-up taxing to finish. The CD came up in my pile this morning so I put it on and while I still find it very repetitive and overlong, it works pretty good as mindless background to do stuff around the apartment to. Unlike lyric-based music or metal bands where I'm trying to pay attention to riffs and shit sometimes, this is so intrinsically mindless that its perfect for just walking around and doing shit. I shaved, finished a chapter in the book I'm reading, put some stuff away, got dressed, made my bed, made my breakfast, and wrote this little article while listening to it, whereas usually I'll get like one activity done per album or EP because I'm concerned with what the next song is or what I need to put on afterwards. (I have kinda a weird complex when it comes to my listening habits and this isn't the time nor the place to go into it.)
Anyway, I'm not really recommending this album except to people already into early-2000s trance or people who don't mind almost aggressive repetition.
If you've ever played "Geometry Wars," think of the soundtrack for that and imagine it going for over an hour with no game to play.
I do stuff and then write reviews of the stuff that I did. Enjoy.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
INTERVIEW: Drag Me Under, September 4th 2015
This interview was conducted in between bands at Resurrect Cali Fest at 924 Gilman Sep. 4 2015
It was done in 2 parts; The first part is with the bassist and vocalist and the second part is just with the vocalist concerning a DIY venue in Reno. Enjoy.
IAN: Alright this is Ian, I'm just talking with Drag Me Under here, what are your guys's names?
JEREMY: My name is Jeremy, I play bass
MAURICE: I'm Maurice and I do vocals.
I: Word. So I had never seen you guy or really even heard of you guys much before this show; where are you guys from?
M: Reno, NV; just right over the hill
I: I've heard it's kinda violent out there
M: No...
J: Not really but it lingers, like the idea lingers; a lot of bands avoid going there because they think it's just like a beatdown town
M: We understand where the reputation comes from.
J: When we were younger it was definitely kinda a beatdown scene, we've kinda been working our way out of that, it's more positive, I don't know, it's very community-oriented now
I: Well that's where 7 Seconds is from
M: Yeah, 7 Seconds are the old-timers
I: Okay so you guys have a couple different records here, and you were talking about you have a new album you're gonna be putting out soon, is that gonna be on a label or are you doing that yourself?
J: Yeah, Panda Claw Records
M: Yeah, just got the masters today to check it out and verify; I have no idea how long the pressing plant will take for vinyl so we're probably gonna release it digitally before the physical copies, and then we have a 2 week tour in October; we'd like to get it out before then.
I: Always a good idea...what's the new album called?
M: "Moonripper"
[Both Jeremy and Maurice laugh]
I: Word, so are you guys on tour or did you just come out for the show?
M: Pretty much just for the show
J: Yeah we'll be out here all weekend
I: Cool, how's you're take on things [at the show tonight], how are you doing?
J: Doing great
M: Yeah this is awesome
I: So from here are you guys going home, or what are you doing?
M: We're going back home and we're playing with a band called No Future; they played at the show last night, the pre-show thing...We have a show set up with them in Reno on Monday. We're gonna be hanging out here and then going to do that, but you know, there's a few shows coming up.
I: Final word here: everybody's different, everybody has a different answer,: what's your favorite breakfast food?
J: Favorite breakfast food? I really enjoy pancakes or waffles
I: Okay more on the bread end, carbs
M: Yeah. Carbs.
J: Anything that makes me wanna go RIGHT back to sleep. That's what I want, you know?
I: Totally. Well thanks for talking with me and have a good one!
M: Awesome, thanks!
IAN: Okay, we're restarting the interview here, we were just you have a basement venue out there in Reno? That's been going on for quite a while?
MAURICE: Yeah, we have a place called Fort Ryland in Reno that's been going for about 15 years; it took a break for a little bit but we've had some solid bands [come through]. We've had Backtrack play there, Cancer Bats played there.
I: O, those are fairly big bands
M: Yeah, we managed to get those bands. We realized awhile ago that it's the longest-running venue in Reno right now and what kinda kept it going was the people who have lived there, who know what they're getting themselves into, they know they're moving into a show house, they know there's some kind of, some sort of responsibility that comes along with that.
I: have there been people come in-and-out or is there like, a core group?
M: For awhile there was like a core group of people and they have all since left, so it's been more or less a revolving door lately, but everyone gets the same talk: like, hey, this isn't a party house, you know? For the most part, when shows are going on they do their best to make sure no one's drinking got shut down awhile ago because things got out of hand.
I: People stopped caring?
M: Yeah, and so the cops came a bunch, shut it down, and then somebody else moved in, cleaned it up, and the cops would do the same thing. They'd come and just go through the house, literally walking through the whole house, and then realize that no one's drinking, no one's even smoking a cigarette. I mean for awhile everyone who lived there was straight edge and they would just leave. So it was like, alright, cut it off around 10 or 10:30 and fortunately no one's ever gotten seriously hurt or anything [during a show]...that's always a concern.
I: Yeah that's how it was at The Dial for little bit...So are you still going strong?
M: Yeah, still going strong, we're gonna be playing there Monday with No Future from Washington. That's where me and Jeremy, the bassist from Drag Me Under, whenever we book bands we just book it there. It's easier for us, the house doesn't take anything from the door, all the money goes to the bands.
I: O thats's what's up, so they all just pay their own rent?
M: They all pay their rent, they pay the electric bill, there's something like 7 people who live there so it's split up between them. The cost of living in Reno is not very high, so they can afford it. Trust me, it's not that bad.
I: Hey that's awesome...I just wanted to get a little 'scene report' real quick, awesome set tonight Maurice, thank you!
M: You're welcome!
It was done in 2 parts; The first part is with the bassist and vocalist and the second part is just with the vocalist concerning a DIY venue in Reno. Enjoy.
IAN: Alright this is Ian, I'm just talking with Drag Me Under here, what are your guys's names?
JEREMY: My name is Jeremy, I play bass
MAURICE: I'm Maurice and I do vocals.
I: Word. So I had never seen you guy or really even heard of you guys much before this show; where are you guys from?
M: Reno, NV; just right over the hill
I: I've heard it's kinda violent out there
M: No...
J: Not really but it lingers, like the idea lingers; a lot of bands avoid going there because they think it's just like a beatdown town
M: We understand where the reputation comes from.
J: When we were younger it was definitely kinda a beatdown scene, we've kinda been working our way out of that, it's more positive, I don't know, it's very community-oriented now
I: Well that's where 7 Seconds is from
M: Yeah, 7 Seconds are the old-timers
I: Okay so you guys have a couple different records here, and you were talking about you have a new album you're gonna be putting out soon, is that gonna be on a label or are you doing that yourself?
J: Yeah, Panda Claw Records
M: Yeah, just got the masters today to check it out and verify; I have no idea how long the pressing plant will take for vinyl so we're probably gonna release it digitally before the physical copies, and then we have a 2 week tour in October; we'd like to get it out before then.
I: Always a good idea...what's the new album called?
M: "Moonripper"
[Both Jeremy and Maurice laugh]
I: Word, so are you guys on tour or did you just come out for the show?
M: Pretty much just for the show
J: Yeah we'll be out here all weekend
I: Cool, how's you're take on things [at the show tonight], how are you doing?
J: Doing great
M: Yeah this is awesome
I: So from here are you guys going home, or what are you doing?
M: We're going back home and we're playing with a band called No Future; they played at the show last night, the pre-show thing...We have a show set up with them in Reno on Monday. We're gonna be hanging out here and then going to do that, but you know, there's a few shows coming up.
I: Final word here: everybody's different, everybody has a different answer,: what's your favorite breakfast food?
J: Favorite breakfast food? I really enjoy pancakes or waffles
I: Okay more on the bread end, carbs
M: Yeah. Carbs.
J: Anything that makes me wanna go RIGHT back to sleep. That's what I want, you know?
I: Totally. Well thanks for talking with me and have a good one!
M: Awesome, thanks!
IAN: Okay, we're restarting the interview here, we were just you have a basement venue out there in Reno? That's been going on for quite a while?
MAURICE: Yeah, we have a place called Fort Ryland in Reno that's been going for about 15 years; it took a break for a little bit but we've had some solid bands [come through]. We've had Backtrack play there, Cancer Bats played there.
I: O, those are fairly big bands
M: Yeah, we managed to get those bands. We realized awhile ago that it's the longest-running venue in Reno right now and what kinda kept it going was the people who have lived there, who know what they're getting themselves into, they know they're moving into a show house, they know there's some kind of, some sort of responsibility that comes along with that.
I: have there been people come in-and-out or is there like, a core group?
M: For awhile there was like a core group of people and they have all since left, so it's been more or less a revolving door lately, but everyone gets the same talk: like, hey, this isn't a party house, you know? For the most part, when shows are going on they do their best to make sure no one's drinking got shut down awhile ago because things got out of hand.
I: People stopped caring?
M: Yeah, and so the cops came a bunch, shut it down, and then somebody else moved in, cleaned it up, and the cops would do the same thing. They'd come and just go through the house, literally walking through the whole house, and then realize that no one's drinking, no one's even smoking a cigarette. I mean for awhile everyone who lived there was straight edge and they would just leave. So it was like, alright, cut it off around 10 or 10:30 and fortunately no one's ever gotten seriously hurt or anything [during a show]...that's always a concern.
I: Yeah that's how it was at The Dial for little bit...So are you still going strong?
M: Yeah, still going strong, we're gonna be playing there Monday with No Future from Washington. That's where me and Jeremy, the bassist from Drag Me Under, whenever we book bands we just book it there. It's easier for us, the house doesn't take anything from the door, all the money goes to the bands.
I: O thats's what's up, so they all just pay their own rent?
M: They all pay their rent, they pay the electric bill, there's something like 7 people who live there so it's split up between them. The cost of living in Reno is not very high, so they can afford it. Trust me, it's not that bad.
I: Hey that's awesome...I just wanted to get a little 'scene report' real quick, awesome set tonight Maurice, thank you!
M: You're welcome!
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Crackhead Josh's Attempted Apology
This is a true story that I understand some people may not relate to, but not everything is cut-and-dry.
I started smoking weed during the summer between middle school and high school. The cool (looking back, totally obvious) place to go and find it was Nicholas Park, about 10 minutes walking distance from my old house. My nextdoor neighbor at the time, Marky, and I would do down there and be fake hoodlums; along the way I met many unsavory yet unconvincing characters that I will remit from describing here. The one who has remained somewhat important, however, is a ne'erdowell who was colloquially known as Crackhead Josh.
A lot of the people at the park didn't like him, and still, disregarding the tale I'm about to tell, I don't entirely understand why. From what I remember, he always has dank weed and gave people more than what they had paid for. He was a much more transparent weed guy than those other guys. Maybe that's what generated the animosity; or else it was something I was just not privy to.
About his moniker: I never gave two thoughts to it. I didn't understand real drugs, I still pretty much don't, and I think it was just spitefully derogatory. Did he do crack? I don't know. But he was nice and was into both cool underground hip hop and cool underground metal. He smoked me out many times. He fronted me weed when I didn't have cash. I trusted him.
One time at the end of the summer, I walked down to the park to get a 10-sack. He came by on his bike to get my money and said he'd be right back.
Like he always had been.
That was the last time I ever saw Crackhead Josh.
I sat there at the park table for hours, not accepting that he would do this to me. Part of my mind eve started to worry about him, like, did something happen on his bike ride? No way is he fucking me over for the only $10 I had...
Eventually I accepted the reality that I had been had, and by somebody I had befriended when no one would. As I walked home I was angry, but more than that I felt betrayed and hurt. I felt disillusioned.
Weed is that important to me.
A week or so later I was hanging out at Marky's house nextdoor to my own when there was a knock on the door, which another friend Allan answered instead of Marky for whatever reason. He came back to the room and said "Ian, that weird guy from the park is here, he says he wants to say sorry or something,"
and looking back I wish I had just gone downstairs.
Sometimes when I feel personally affronted like that, my heart dies and I become almost vindictively cold, and when I heard it was him, I could feel my face fold into a scowl and told Allan "tell him to go away. I don't want to hear from him or talk to him."
We went back to playing "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" or whatever the fuck we were doing and I didn't think anything more about it.
The next day at school there was hella traffic and it was because part of the road was sectioned off because somebody had gotten hit by a car on Winchester just in front of the school. This wasn't the first time this had happened; a kid got killed by an elderly guy who didn't understand brakes anymore I guess, and a similar thing happened to the older brother of a guy I used to know, who shall remain nameless because we're not really cool anymore. So although it always sucks to hear that someone has died, it was almost an expected explanation for the traffic when we learned it.
It wasn't until after school that I learned what you, the reader, may have already predicted: it was Crackhead Josh who had been hit, and it wasn't just a car, he got mowed down by a semi. Apparently he was riding his bike in the middle of Winchester, swerving in between lanes in black clothing and with no reflectors.
I didn't know how to feel and I still kinda don't know how to feel.
His death was not my fault. He's the one who fucked me over. I was his only friend. He made his own decisions and he is responsible for his own life.
I was his only friend. It was only $10.
To this day, some part of my mind still asks, "what if?" What if I had just gone to the door and heard his apology? What if he just wanted to make things right, and I told him no, and now he feels forever condemned? What if we had just smoked a bowl together and then he just went home?
What if?
Again, I know that his actions are his own and I'm not in the wrong about anything. He was a fucking crackhead and he stole my money.
But still,
Dead Hands Dig Deep....
I started smoking weed during the summer between middle school and high school. The cool (looking back, totally obvious) place to go and find it was Nicholas Park, about 10 minutes walking distance from my old house. My nextdoor neighbor at the time, Marky, and I would do down there and be fake hoodlums; along the way I met many unsavory yet unconvincing characters that I will remit from describing here. The one who has remained somewhat important, however, is a ne'erdowell who was colloquially known as Crackhead Josh.
A lot of the people at the park didn't like him, and still, disregarding the tale I'm about to tell, I don't entirely understand why. From what I remember, he always has dank weed and gave people more than what they had paid for. He was a much more transparent weed guy than those other guys. Maybe that's what generated the animosity; or else it was something I was just not privy to.
About his moniker: I never gave two thoughts to it. I didn't understand real drugs, I still pretty much don't, and I think it was just spitefully derogatory. Did he do crack? I don't know. But he was nice and was into both cool underground hip hop and cool underground metal. He smoked me out many times. He fronted me weed when I didn't have cash. I trusted him.
One time at the end of the summer, I walked down to the park to get a 10-sack. He came by on his bike to get my money and said he'd be right back.
Like he always had been.
That was the last time I ever saw Crackhead Josh.
I sat there at the park table for hours, not accepting that he would do this to me. Part of my mind eve started to worry about him, like, did something happen on his bike ride? No way is he fucking me over for the only $10 I had...
Eventually I accepted the reality that I had been had, and by somebody I had befriended when no one would. As I walked home I was angry, but more than that I felt betrayed and hurt. I felt disillusioned.
Weed is that important to me.
A week or so later I was hanging out at Marky's house nextdoor to my own when there was a knock on the door, which another friend Allan answered instead of Marky for whatever reason. He came back to the room and said "Ian, that weird guy from the park is here, he says he wants to say sorry or something,"
and looking back I wish I had just gone downstairs.
Sometimes when I feel personally affronted like that, my heart dies and I become almost vindictively cold, and when I heard it was him, I could feel my face fold into a scowl and told Allan "tell him to go away. I don't want to hear from him or talk to him."
We went back to playing "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" or whatever the fuck we were doing and I didn't think anything more about it.
The next day at school there was hella traffic and it was because part of the road was sectioned off because somebody had gotten hit by a car on Winchester just in front of the school. This wasn't the first time this had happened; a kid got killed by an elderly guy who didn't understand brakes anymore I guess, and a similar thing happened to the older brother of a guy I used to know, who shall remain nameless because we're not really cool anymore. So although it always sucks to hear that someone has died, it was almost an expected explanation for the traffic when we learned it.
It wasn't until after school that I learned what you, the reader, may have already predicted: it was Crackhead Josh who had been hit, and it wasn't just a car, he got mowed down by a semi. Apparently he was riding his bike in the middle of Winchester, swerving in between lanes in black clothing and with no reflectors.
I didn't know how to feel and I still kinda don't know how to feel.
His death was not my fault. He's the one who fucked me over. I was his only friend. He made his own decisions and he is responsible for his own life.
I was his only friend. It was only $10.
To this day, some part of my mind still asks, "what if?" What if I had just gone to the door and heard his apology? What if he just wanted to make things right, and I told him no, and now he feels forever condemned? What if we had just smoked a bowl together and then he just went home?
What if?
Again, I know that his actions are his own and I'm not in the wrong about anything. He was a fucking crackhead and he stole my money.
But still,
Dead Hands Dig Deep....
Monday, December 7, 2015
Playlist for November 2015
This is a list of all the albums, EPs, demos, and singles that I listened to in their entirety during the month of November 2015, followed by lists of stuff I watched or saw live afterwards. Notes regarding all are included. Enjoy.
Burn - S/T EP
Bob Marley & The Wailers - "Legend" compilation CD
Tidemouth - "Velvet and Stone"
Execute - S/T EP
Rotting Corpse - "Genesis"
Yeasayer - "All Hour Cymbals"
Anti-Flag - "A New Kind Of Army"
Green Day - "Insomniac"
Motherboy - "Filthy Human" EP
Throwdown - "Sellout" EP
G.L.O.S.S. - "We're From The Future" demo
The Roots - "Game Theory"
Frank Zappa - "Waka/Jawaka"
Beneath The Massacre - "Mechanics of Dysfunction"
Rammstein - 1994 Demos
Jozif - "Waikiki Pt. 2" 12"
D'Angelo & The Vanguard - "Black Messiah"
Herbie Hancock - "Death Wish" OST
N.W.A. - "N.W.A. and Their Family" compilation CD
The Album Leaf - "In A Safe Place"
Lyrica Anderson ft. Wiz Khalifa - "Sex You Up" digital single
Mob 47 - Live at Ultrahuset
Asobi Seksu - "Citrus"
Beloved - "The Running" EP
Steve Martin & Edie Brickell - "So Familiar"
Hawthorne Heights - "The Silence In Black And White"
Kids In Heat - "High Energy, Low Income"
Lostprophets - "Start Something"
Suffocation - "Blood Oath"
Frank Zappa - "The Great Wazoo"
KoRn - S/T
Bloody Roar - 2009 demo CD
Band Aparte - "Enter" demos
The Velvet Underground - "Live at Max's Kansas City" Disc 1
Primus - "Tales From The Punchbowl"
A Life Once Lost - "Iron Gag"
Samhain - "Initium"
The Undertones - "An Anthology" Disc 2
PJ Harvey - "To Bring You My Love"
Dungen - "Tio Bitar"
Limp Bizkit - "Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water"
Anti-Flag - "Underground Network"
Throwdown - "Drive Me Dead" EP
Baths - "Ocean Death" EP
Residual Echoes - S/T
Ghosts On The Radio - "Standing On Clovers"
Mark Henning - "Sunday Slide" EP
Strawberry Girls - "Italian Ghosts"
American Wrestlers - S/T EP
SinStorm - "Dreaming of Madness" demo
Holly Herndon & Mat Dryhurst - "Recruit" digital single
Pharell Williams - "Freedom" digital single
Shojo Winter - "Eternal Snow"
Fang - "Landshark!" EP
New Gods - "What Did I Say?" EP
CoolSide - "Be Cool" EP
All Your Sisters - September 2012 Demos
Pain Of Salvation - "Remedy Lane"
Mini Mansions - "Death is a Girl" b/w "Sherlock Holmes" 7"
Mob 47 - S/T EP
Violent Children - S/T EP
Decrepit Birth - "...And Time Begins"
Through The Eyes Of The Dead - "Malice"
Xpulsion - "Collective Evil" digital demo
Neos - "Hassibah Gets The Martians" EP
Wolfpack - "Hellhound Warpig" EP
The Beta Factor - "Communication"
Shady Characters - "Thank You (Nikol)" digital single
Embrace - S/T
Mustard Plug - "Pray For Mojo"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Arsis - "A Celebration Of Guilt"
Tim McGraw - "Damn Country Music"
Gogol Bordello - "Multi Kontra Culti Vs. Irony"
Samhain - "Unholy Passion" EP
The Offspring - "Smash"
Nudes - "Stain" EP
Dance Gavin Dance - "Downtown Battle Mountain"
NOFX - "S&M Airlines"
Madeon - "Adventure"
Death - "Politicians in My Eyes" b/w "Keep On Knockin'" 7"
Travis Scott - "Rodeo"
Throwdown - "Face The Mirror"
The Victoriana - "Ornamental (Marchesa)" digital single
Frustrated - "Losing Grip" EP
Replica - "Beast" EP
Vision Of Disorder - "Imprint"
Singled Out - "New Vision" EP
Dungen - "4"
Steak Number Eight - "Kosmokoma"
Violent Children - "Rock Against Spindles" cassette
DamagePlan - "New Found Power"
Inked In Blood - "Lay Waste The Poets"
After The Burial - "Forging a Future Self"
Twin Brother - "Best Frenzy"
The Toasters - "Skaboom!"
David Bowie - "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust"
Dogs - "The Ongoing LP"
Before You Fled - "Forever Ends Today" EP
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situation" split EP
ROSE rose - "From Born Till Die" EP
Wolfpack - "Lycanthro Punk"
King Diamond - "Dreams of Horror" compilation Disc 2
Napalm Death - "Scum"
Freak Heat Waves - "Bennie's State Of Mind"
A Lot Like Waves - "Conversation Piece"
The Waterboys - "Modern Blues"
Loop - "Array 1" 12"
Dej Loaf - "#andseethatsthething" EP
Holy Pinto - "Stenography" EP
Rebirth Of Paradise - demo CD
Samhain - "November Coming Fire"
NOFX - "Ribbed"
Zoccola - "Mean Girls Club"
Alaska - "Shrine"
Snow Roller/Sioux Falls - "Fadeaway" split EP
Save The Swim Team - "Brothers" digital single
Mandarin Dynasty - "Feedback Time"
Gogol Bordello - "East Infection" EP
A Crowd Of Small Adventures - "Blood" EP
Arsis - "A Diamond For Disease" EP
Logic - "The Incredible True Story"
Foo Fighters - "One By One"
Curses - "Song To Keep Cold By"
KoRn - "Take A Look In The Mirror"
V/A - "Spring Really Sucks"
Inked In Blood - "Sometimes We Are Beautiful"
The Coltranes - "Never Sleep Again" EP
Raein - "Sulla Linea Tra Questa Mia Vita E Quella Di Tutti"
Led Zeppelin - "III"
Matchbook Romance - "Stories and Alibis"
Dark Funeral - "The Secrets of the Black Arts"
Vices - "The Dealer" digital single
Against Me! - "Reinventing Axl Rose"
Green Day - "American Idiot"
Lye By Mistake - "Arrangements for Fulminating Vective"
Sixx:A.M. - "Modern Vintage"
Symphony X - "Paradise Lost"
V/A - Relapse Records sampler 2015
Slaves - "Through Art We Are All Equal"
Fall Out Boy - "American Beauty/American Psycho"
Me First & The Gimme Gimmes - "Are A Drag"
Ought - "Sun Coming Down"
Logic - "Under Pressure"
Save The Swim Team - "Chop Suey" digital single
Wolfpack - "Allday Hell"
Woozy - "Blistered"
Cool American - "Synapses//Whatever" EP
Still Alive - "United By Defiance" EP
David Bowie - "Aladdin Sane"
R. Ariel - "Changer"
Propagandhi - "How To Clean Everything"
Rhapsody - "Power of the Dragonflame"
Fleshgod Apocalypse - "Mafia" EP
Stevie Wonder - "Songs in the Key of Life" Disc 2
Ghost Noise - "Farther and Fainter" digital single
The Mumlers - "Don't Throw Me Away"
sandlot - "not okay" digital single
Public Image Ltd. - "Metal Box"
Theatre Of Tragedy - S/T
Queens Of The Stone Age - "Era Vulgaris"
Redlight - "X Colour"
Ratatat - S/T
Megadeth - "The System Has Failed"
Morgue Toad - "Buzzing Vibrations"
Children Of Bodom - "Hate Crew Deathroll"
Napalm Death - "From Enslavement To Obliteration"
88 Fingers Louie - "Behind Bars"
Four Year Strong - "Rise Or Die Trying"
Recluse - "Wilted" digital single
Dark Funeral - "Vobiscum Satanas"
Faith No More - "Album Of The Year"
Deicide - S/T
The Gravitys - May 2011 Demo
Gorguts - "The Erosion Of Sanity"
The Arcade Fire - "Neon Bible"
Volbeat - "Guitar Gangsters and Cadillac Blood"
Death On Wednesday - "Buying The Lie"
Strawberry Girls - "French Ghetto"
The Kills - "No Wow"
Miguel - "Wildheart"
The Mad "Eyeball" b/w "I Hate Music" 7"
Blanck Mass - "Dumb Flesh"
Cursive/Eastern Youth - "8 Teeth To Eat" split EP
Ty Dolla Sign - "Airplane Mode" mixtape
FOGOF - "Zygote" EP
Misery Ritual - "A Victory Over Suffering"
Children Of Bodom - "Hatebreeder"
Culture Abuse - "The Day Dreams Of Nothing" EP
Fist Benders - S/T EP
Sioux Falls - "Lights Off For Danger"
The Hound - "The Recovery" EP
Rats In The Walls - "Discarriage" EP
Helsott - "Woven"
Sledding With Tigers - "Come On And Slam" EP
Ty Segall Band - "Slaughterhouse"
Carach Angren - "This Is No Fairy Tale"
Band Aparte - "Enter" demos
Disturbed - "Indestructible"
RX Bandits - "Progress"
W.A.S.P. - "The Best Of The Best: 1984-2000 Vol. 1"
Rotting Out - "Reckoning" EP
Alligatoah - "In Gottes Name"
Survay Says! - "Observations of the Human Condition"
Christopher Lawrence ft. Fergie & Sadrian - "Buenas Aires" EP
Ancient Rites - "Laguz"
Drag Me Under - "Moon Ripper"
D-Styles - "Phantazmagoria"
The Velvet Underground - "Live at Max's Kansas City" Disc 2
Carnivores - "Insecurior" digital single
Death - "Human"
Foo Fighters - "Saint Cecilia" EP
Descendents - "Enjoy!"
30 Seconds To Mars - "A Beautiful Lie"
Crisis Arm - "Rend"
Despised Icon - "The Ills Of Modern Man"
V/A - "Freedom" compilation CD
Voivod - "Dimension Hatross"
Faith No More - "Angel Dust"
Therefore I Am - "The Sound Of Human Lives"
V/A - "This Is Lemon Grove"
100 Demons - S/T
Van Halen - "II"
The Whyioughtas - "The First Year"
Iced Earth - "The Dark Saga"
[no one is innocent] - "Propaganda"
Okilly Dokilly - "Okilly Demos"
Dance Gavin Dance - "Acceptance Speech"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: G.L.O.S.S., Asobi Seksu, Baths, Strawberry Girls, Alaska, Snow Roller, Sioux Falls, Logic, Curses, Raein, every single band on the new Relapse Records sampler, Miguel, Carach Angren, D-Styles
- "It's been a Long Time"
- Don't worry, I threw that Lostprophets CD in the trash after I read their Wikipedia page...also because of the shitty music
- Wow Limp Bizkit is even worse than I had remembered
- God Pharell sucks
- "Death is a Girl"
- That Tim McGraw album actually isn't completely terrible
- Inked In Blood was underrated
- Is there Life On Mars?
- Multinational corporations = Genocide of the starving nations
- New releases from Dogs, The Waterboys, Alaska, Miguel, Fist Benders are all solid
- Dude I liked that one Fall Out Boy album but this new shit is like, intolerable
- I thought Miguel was gonna be like Drake but he's more like Prince
- That Carach Angren album is so over-the-top ridiculous that its badass
- The future is shining upon you.
- Danny, you can tell me, and I'll still be your friend.
- The concept of Okilly Dokilly is doper than the actual band is
11/4/15: FINISHED: "Refuge in an Urbanizing Land = The Santa Margarita River: Cultural and Natural Resource" pamphlet
11/12/15: FINISHED: PM Press Catalog 2014-2015
11/13/15: "Inside Temecula" 2015 semi-annual newsletter
11/7/15: "Sling Blade"
11/16/15: "Blackfish"
11/27/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep"
11/28/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep"
- "Sling Blade" was at once more fucked up and less fucked up than I had expected
- Dang "Blackfish" is fucking depressing
- The documentary about Edwin Borsheim and Kettle Cadaver that my brother Spencer Heath and his boy Jai Love having been working on for the last year (and that I'm interviewed in) will be debuting at Slamdance Festival in Utah in January. Dead Hands Dig Deep.
11/21/15: Odd Advantage/Zoccola/Richard Friend/The Heathens @ The Wheelhouse Bar
11/23/15: Alaska/Woozy/Fist Benders @ The Dial
11/27/15: Vanderhuge/[The Gravitys]/FOGOF/The Loneliest Mountain @ The Dial
- Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Java, Patty, Shane, and everybody at The Dial for helping me withj my \_/ set, that was a great time...Good Will To Mankind.
Burn - S/T EP
Bob Marley & The Wailers - "Legend" compilation CD
Tidemouth - "Velvet and Stone"
Execute - S/T EP
Rotting Corpse - "Genesis"
Yeasayer - "All Hour Cymbals"
Anti-Flag - "A New Kind Of Army"
Green Day - "Insomniac"
Motherboy - "Filthy Human" EP
Throwdown - "Sellout" EP
G.L.O.S.S. - "We're From The Future" demo
The Roots - "Game Theory"
Frank Zappa - "Waka/Jawaka"
Beneath The Massacre - "Mechanics of Dysfunction"
Rammstein - 1994 Demos
Jozif - "Waikiki Pt. 2" 12"
D'Angelo & The Vanguard - "Black Messiah"
Herbie Hancock - "Death Wish" OST
N.W.A. - "N.W.A. and Their Family" compilation CD
The Album Leaf - "In A Safe Place"
Lyrica Anderson ft. Wiz Khalifa - "Sex You Up" digital single
Mob 47 - Live at Ultrahuset
Asobi Seksu - "Citrus"
Beloved - "The Running" EP
Steve Martin & Edie Brickell - "So Familiar"
Hawthorne Heights - "The Silence In Black And White"
Kids In Heat - "High Energy, Low Income"
Lostprophets - "Start Something"
Suffocation - "Blood Oath"
Frank Zappa - "The Great Wazoo"
KoRn - S/T
Bloody Roar - 2009 demo CD
Band Aparte - "Enter" demos
The Velvet Underground - "Live at Max's Kansas City" Disc 1
Primus - "Tales From The Punchbowl"
A Life Once Lost - "Iron Gag"
Samhain - "Initium"
The Undertones - "An Anthology" Disc 2
PJ Harvey - "To Bring You My Love"
Dungen - "Tio Bitar"
Limp Bizkit - "Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water"
Anti-Flag - "Underground Network"
Throwdown - "Drive Me Dead" EP
Baths - "Ocean Death" EP
Residual Echoes - S/T
Ghosts On The Radio - "Standing On Clovers"
Mark Henning - "Sunday Slide" EP
Strawberry Girls - "Italian Ghosts"
American Wrestlers - S/T EP
SinStorm - "Dreaming of Madness" demo
Holly Herndon & Mat Dryhurst - "Recruit" digital single
Pharell Williams - "Freedom" digital single
Shojo Winter - "Eternal Snow"
Fang - "Landshark!" EP
New Gods - "What Did I Say?" EP
CoolSide - "Be Cool" EP
All Your Sisters - September 2012 Demos
Pain Of Salvation - "Remedy Lane"
Mini Mansions - "Death is a Girl" b/w "Sherlock Holmes" 7"
Mob 47 - S/T EP
Violent Children - S/T EP
Decrepit Birth - "...And Time Begins"
Through The Eyes Of The Dead - "Malice"
Xpulsion - "Collective Evil" digital demo
Neos - "Hassibah Gets The Martians" EP
Wolfpack - "Hellhound Warpig" EP
The Beta Factor - "Communication"
Shady Characters - "Thank You (Nikol)" digital single
Embrace - S/T
Mustard Plug - "Pray For Mojo"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Arsis - "A Celebration Of Guilt"
Tim McGraw - "Damn Country Music"
Gogol Bordello - "Multi Kontra Culti Vs. Irony"
Samhain - "Unholy Passion" EP
The Offspring - "Smash"
Nudes - "Stain" EP
Dance Gavin Dance - "Downtown Battle Mountain"
NOFX - "S&M Airlines"
Madeon - "Adventure"
Death - "Politicians in My Eyes" b/w "Keep On Knockin'" 7"
Travis Scott - "Rodeo"
Throwdown - "Face The Mirror"
The Victoriana - "Ornamental (Marchesa)" digital single
Frustrated - "Losing Grip" EP
Replica - "Beast" EP
Vision Of Disorder - "Imprint"
Singled Out - "New Vision" EP
Dungen - "4"
Steak Number Eight - "Kosmokoma"
Violent Children - "Rock Against Spindles" cassette
DamagePlan - "New Found Power"
Inked In Blood - "Lay Waste The Poets"
After The Burial - "Forging a Future Self"
Twin Brother - "Best Frenzy"
The Toasters - "Skaboom!"
David Bowie - "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust"
Dogs - "The Ongoing LP"
Before You Fled - "Forever Ends Today" EP
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situation" split EP
ROSE rose - "From Born Till Die" EP
Wolfpack - "Lycanthro Punk"
King Diamond - "Dreams of Horror" compilation Disc 2
Napalm Death - "Scum"
Freak Heat Waves - "Bennie's State Of Mind"
A Lot Like Waves - "Conversation Piece"
The Waterboys - "Modern Blues"
Loop - "Array 1" 12"
Dej Loaf - "#andseethatsthething" EP
Holy Pinto - "Stenography" EP
Rebirth Of Paradise - demo CD
Samhain - "November Coming Fire"
NOFX - "Ribbed"
Zoccola - "Mean Girls Club"
Alaska - "Shrine"
Snow Roller/Sioux Falls - "Fadeaway" split EP
Save The Swim Team - "Brothers" digital single
Mandarin Dynasty - "Feedback Time"
Gogol Bordello - "East Infection" EP
A Crowd Of Small Adventures - "Blood" EP
Arsis - "A Diamond For Disease" EP
Logic - "The Incredible True Story"
Foo Fighters - "One By One"
Curses - "Song To Keep Cold By"
KoRn - "Take A Look In The Mirror"
V/A - "Spring Really Sucks"
Inked In Blood - "Sometimes We Are Beautiful"
The Coltranes - "Never Sleep Again" EP
Raein - "Sulla Linea Tra Questa Mia Vita E Quella Di Tutti"
Led Zeppelin - "III"
Matchbook Romance - "Stories and Alibis"
Dark Funeral - "The Secrets of the Black Arts"
Vices - "The Dealer" digital single
Against Me! - "Reinventing Axl Rose"
Green Day - "American Idiot"
Lye By Mistake - "Arrangements for Fulminating Vective"
Sixx:A.M. - "Modern Vintage"
Symphony X - "Paradise Lost"
V/A - Relapse Records sampler 2015
Slaves - "Through Art We Are All Equal"
Fall Out Boy - "American Beauty/American Psycho"
Me First & The Gimme Gimmes - "Are A Drag"
Ought - "Sun Coming Down"
Logic - "Under Pressure"
Save The Swim Team - "Chop Suey" digital single
Wolfpack - "Allday Hell"
Woozy - "Blistered"
Cool American - "Synapses//Whatever" EP
Still Alive - "United By Defiance" EP
David Bowie - "Aladdin Sane"
R. Ariel - "Changer"
Propagandhi - "How To Clean Everything"
Rhapsody - "Power of the Dragonflame"
Fleshgod Apocalypse - "Mafia" EP
Stevie Wonder - "Songs in the Key of Life" Disc 2
Ghost Noise - "Farther and Fainter" digital single
The Mumlers - "Don't Throw Me Away"
sandlot - "not okay" digital single
Public Image Ltd. - "Metal Box"
Theatre Of Tragedy - S/T
Queens Of The Stone Age - "Era Vulgaris"
Redlight - "X Colour"
Ratatat - S/T
Megadeth - "The System Has Failed"
Morgue Toad - "Buzzing Vibrations"
Children Of Bodom - "Hate Crew Deathroll"
Napalm Death - "From Enslavement To Obliteration"
88 Fingers Louie - "Behind Bars"
Four Year Strong - "Rise Or Die Trying"
Recluse - "Wilted" digital single
Dark Funeral - "Vobiscum Satanas"
Faith No More - "Album Of The Year"
Deicide - S/T
The Gravitys - May 2011 Demo
Gorguts - "The Erosion Of Sanity"
The Arcade Fire - "Neon Bible"
Volbeat - "Guitar Gangsters and Cadillac Blood"
Death On Wednesday - "Buying The Lie"
Strawberry Girls - "French Ghetto"
The Kills - "No Wow"
Miguel - "Wildheart"
The Mad "Eyeball" b/w "I Hate Music" 7"
Blanck Mass - "Dumb Flesh"
Cursive/Eastern Youth - "8 Teeth To Eat" split EP
Ty Dolla Sign - "Airplane Mode" mixtape
FOGOF - "Zygote" EP
Misery Ritual - "A Victory Over Suffering"
Children Of Bodom - "Hatebreeder"
Culture Abuse - "The Day Dreams Of Nothing" EP
Fist Benders - S/T EP
Sioux Falls - "Lights Off For Danger"
The Hound - "The Recovery" EP
Rats In The Walls - "Discarriage" EP
Helsott - "Woven"
Sledding With Tigers - "Come On And Slam" EP
Ty Segall Band - "Slaughterhouse"
Carach Angren - "This Is No Fairy Tale"
Band Aparte - "Enter" demos
Disturbed - "Indestructible"
RX Bandits - "Progress"
W.A.S.P. - "The Best Of The Best: 1984-2000 Vol. 1"
Rotting Out - "Reckoning" EP
Alligatoah - "In Gottes Name"
Survay Says! - "Observations of the Human Condition"
Christopher Lawrence ft. Fergie & Sadrian - "Buenas Aires" EP
Ancient Rites - "Laguz"
Drag Me Under - "Moon Ripper"
D-Styles - "Phantazmagoria"
The Velvet Underground - "Live at Max's Kansas City" Disc 2
Carnivores - "Insecurior" digital single
Death - "Human"
Foo Fighters - "Saint Cecilia" EP
Descendents - "Enjoy!"
30 Seconds To Mars - "A Beautiful Lie"
Crisis Arm - "Rend"
Despised Icon - "The Ills Of Modern Man"
V/A - "Freedom" compilation CD
Voivod - "Dimension Hatross"
Faith No More - "Angel Dust"
Therefore I Am - "The Sound Of Human Lives"
V/A - "This Is Lemon Grove"
100 Demons - S/T
Van Halen - "II"
The Whyioughtas - "The First Year"
Iced Earth - "The Dark Saga"
[no one is innocent] - "Propaganda"
Okilly Dokilly - "Okilly Demos"
Dance Gavin Dance - "Acceptance Speech"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: G.L.O.S.S., Asobi Seksu, Baths, Strawberry Girls, Alaska, Snow Roller, Sioux Falls, Logic, Curses, Raein, every single band on the new Relapse Records sampler, Miguel, Carach Angren, D-Styles
- "It's been a Long Time"
- Don't worry, I threw that Lostprophets CD in the trash after I read their Wikipedia page...also because of the shitty music
- Wow Limp Bizkit is even worse than I had remembered
- God Pharell sucks
- "Death is a Girl"
- That Tim McGraw album actually isn't completely terrible
- Inked In Blood was underrated
- Is there Life On Mars?
- Multinational corporations = Genocide of the starving nations
- New releases from Dogs, The Waterboys, Alaska, Miguel, Fist Benders are all solid
- Dude I liked that one Fall Out Boy album but this new shit is like, intolerable
- I thought Miguel was gonna be like Drake but he's more like Prince
- That Carach Angren album is so over-the-top ridiculous that its badass
- The future is shining upon you.
- Danny, you can tell me, and I'll still be your friend.
- The concept of Okilly Dokilly is doper than the actual band is
11/4/15: FINISHED: "Refuge in an Urbanizing Land = The Santa Margarita River: Cultural and Natural Resource" pamphlet
11/12/15: FINISHED: PM Press Catalog 2014-2015
11/13/15: "Inside Temecula" 2015 semi-annual newsletter
11/7/15: "Sling Blade"
11/16/15: "Blackfish"
11/27/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep"
11/28/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep"
- "Sling Blade" was at once more fucked up and less fucked up than I had expected
- Dang "Blackfish" is fucking depressing
- The documentary about Edwin Borsheim and Kettle Cadaver that my brother Spencer Heath and his boy Jai Love having been working on for the last year (and that I'm interviewed in) will be debuting at Slamdance Festival in Utah in January. Dead Hands Dig Deep.
11/21/15: Odd Advantage/Zoccola/Richard Friend/The Heathens @ The Wheelhouse Bar
11/23/15: Alaska/Woozy/Fist Benders @ The Dial
11/27/15: Vanderhuge/[The Gravitys]/FOGOF/The Loneliest Mountain @ The Dial
- Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Java, Patty, Shane, and everybody at The Dial for helping me withj my \_/ set, that was a great time...Good Will To Mankind.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
INTERVIEW: My roommate's cat Alfie 11/3/15
[Alfie enters room]
IAN: O hi there baby what are you doing
ALFIE: [sniffs around at the doorway]
I: I love you baby
A: [slowly looks around the desk]
I: Why don't you come over here Alfie??
A: [continues perusing]
I: [changes music on computer]
A: [subtly rubs tail against Ian's leg]
I: O the baby!!
A: [walks away and lays near the laundry]
I: Why don't you love me as much as I love you???
A: [looks away from Ian]
I: Kitty, Are You The Baby?
A: [crosses arms very properly, indicating that he is, in fact, The Baby]
I: OK baby I love you, I'm gonna pick you up
[Ian picks up Alfie]
A: MEOW!!!!
[Ian puts Alfie down and he saunters out of the room]
I: Baby....
IAN: O hi there baby what are you doing
ALFIE: [sniffs around at the doorway]
I: I love you baby
A: [slowly looks around the desk]
I: Why don't you come over here Alfie??
A: [continues perusing]
I: [changes music on computer]
A: [subtly rubs tail against Ian's leg]
I: O the baby!!
A: [walks away and lays near the laundry]
I: Why don't you love me as much as I love you???
A: [looks away from Ian]
I: Kitty, Are You The Baby?
A: [crosses arms very properly, indicating that he is, in fact, The Baby]
I: OK baby I love you, I'm gonna pick you up
[Ian picks up Alfie]
A: MEOW!!!!
[Ian puts Alfie down and he saunters out of the room]
I: Baby....
Playlist for October 2015
This is a list of all the albums, EPs, demos, and singles I listened to in their entirety during the month of October 2015. Also included are lists of movies/shows I watched, things I read, and bands I saw live, with notes regarding each afterwards. Enjoy.
Zero Progress - "The Void" EP
Squarepusher - "Port Rhombus" EP
Anti-Flag - "Sky Is Falling" b/w "Close My Eyes" 12" single
Breaking Benjamin - "Phobia"
Nine Inch Nails - "The Fragile" Left Disc
Autopsy - "Fiend For Blood" EP
Gnaw Their Tongues - "Abyss of Longing Throats"
Abysmal Dawn - "Obsolenscence"
Wanda Jackson - "Windy City Redux" 7"
The Dickies - "The Incredible Shrinking Dickies"
Terence Blanchard & The E-Collective - "Tiny Desk" live album
Dropkick Murphys - "The Warrior's Code"
No Problem - "Kid Killer" EP
HIM - "Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights"
David Bowie - "Space Oddity"
Panda Bear - "Meets The Grim Reaper"
Bad Religion - "The Process Of Belief"
Heart Attack Kids - S/T EP
Suffocation - "Despise The Sun" EP
Seizures - "The Sanity Universal"
V/A - "MTV Amp"
Discharge - "Never Again" 7"
Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine - "Tuxicity"
Kings Of Leon - "Because Of The Times"
Amebix - "Arise!"
Outo - "Half Life Wit" EP
Steel Panther - "All You Can Eat"
Austrian Death Machine - "Triple Brutal"
Foie Gras - "Held"
Earth Crisis - "Gomorrah's Season Ends"
Paper Planets/Ellewood - split EP
Soilwork - "Steelbath Suicide"
Trivium - "Silence in the Snow"
Angry Samoans - "STP Not LSD"
INVSN - "Inheritance"
Donny Hathaway - S/T
Marilyn Manson - "Lest We Forget: The Best Of"
In Flames - "Come Clarity"
Strand Of Oaks - "Heal"
Lee Burridge - "Lost & Found" EP
Red Fang - "An Absolute Music Banker Session" EP
Strung Out - "Transmission Alpha Delta"
Stars Are Insane/Morgue Toad - split EP
Excel - "Split Image"
HORSE The Band - "The Mechanical Hand"
Azealia Banks - "Broke With Expensive Taste"
The Misfits - "Static Age"
Lauryn Hill - "The Miseducation Of..."
The Decemberists - "The Crane Wife"
Weezer - S/T (Blue Album)
Entombed - "Unreal Estate" live album
100deadrabbits - "Teeth" EP
Metallica - "Master Of Puppets"
Myotonia - S/T
Fugazi - "Steady Diet Of Nothing"
Squarepusher - "Vic Acid" EP
The Cure - "Disintegration"
Satanized - "Sickness and Hellth: The Secular Chansons of Satanized" EP
the one and only PPL MVR - S/T EP
Michael Jackson - "Off The Wall"
Pink Floyd - "Piper At The Gates Of Dawn"
Moonspell - "Extinct"
Staind - "Tormented"
Cannabis Corpse - "Tube of the Resinated"
Tomber Lever - "C21H3O05" EP
Andreas Hanneberg - "Ocai" EP
Dance Gavin Dance - "Instant Gratification"
New Found Glory - "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
Step By Step - "I Always Wanted To Be In A Band" b/w "I Ain't Never Gonna Let Go" 7"
Knights Of The Abyss - "Shades"
St. Germain - S/T
Gwar - "America Must Be Destroyed"
Peter Tosh - "Legalize It"
The Pocket Rockets - S/T EP
Chikochikorita - "Nami The Girl" digital single
Discharge - "Realities Of War" EP
Madchild - "Silver Tongues Devil"
Internal Bleeding - "Imperium"
The Mummies - "Never Been Caught"
Amebix - "Monolith"
Chvrches - "Get Away" b/w "Dead Air" 7"
The Coltranes - "The Cat Of Nine Tails" EP
Gus G. - "I Am The Fire"
HORSE The Band - "Pizza" EP
Disgorge - "She Lay Gutted"
Alex G - "Beach Music"
Outo - "Many Problem, Poison Solution" EP
The Wans - "He Said, She Said"
Adam Sandler - "What The Hell Happened To Me?"
The Receiving End Of Sirens - "The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi"
Kings Of Leon - "Youth And Young Manhood"
Ripcord - "Harvest Hardcore" EP
Cursive - "Domestica"
Vanna - "The Search Party Never Came" EP
Onesidezero - "Is This Room Getting Smaller?"
Squarepusher - "Music Is Rotted One Note"
Liquid - "Live Singles" demo
Cascandy - "Goodbye Darling" 12"
Cygnus - "Radical User Interfaces" EP
Through The Eyes Of The Dead - "Bloodlust"
Stop The Phoenix - "Drifter" digital single
The 4-Skins - "Clockword Skinhead"
Slaves - "Routine Breathing"
Rotting Christ - "Khronos"
Mbongwana Star - "From Kinshasha"
Ugly Kid Joe - "Uglier Than They Used To Be"
The Faceless - "Akeldama"
Discharge - "State Violence, State Control" b/w "Doom's Day" 7"
The Heats - "Have An Idea"
V/A - "Punk Rock Strike"
Animals As Leaders - "The Joy Of Motion"
Dying Fetus - "Reign Supreme"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
end of the summer - "Three" EP
Family Of Light - "Technicolor In Stereo"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Blood Pressure - 2015 promo tape
Mr. Twin Sister - S/T
Mississippi Rail Company - "Coal Black Train"
Veil Of Maya - "The Common Man's Collapse"
The Arcade Fire - "The Suburbs"
Deadmau5 - "Dieback Music Pack"
Terror - "Always The Hard Way"
Vesperian Sorrow - "Psychotic Sculpture"
Ruptures - "Adorimidera" EP
Outo - "No Way Out" 7"
Good Clean Fun - "Between Christian Rock & A Hard Place"
Impending Doom - "Nailed. Dead. Risen."
Less Than Jake - "In With The Out Crowd"
Nothing From Something - 5-song demo
Conflict - "Increase The Pressure"
Mellakka - "Itsenaisyyspaiva" EP
Stereotypical Working Class - "Sans Reperes"
Cursive - "The Ugly Organ"
Goo Goo Dolls - "Hold Me Up"
SLiG - "Lives Vol. 3"
David Scuba - "Reworks and Edits" EP
Mob 47 - "Hardcore Attack" cassette EP
A Lot Like Birds - "No Place"
Courtney Bartnett - "Sometimes I Just Sit And Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit"
Arty - "Glorious"
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - "Nocturama"
The Body & Thou - "You, Whom I Have Always Hated" collaborative album
2 Chainz - "T.R.U. The Real University" mixtape
Max Richter - "The Blue Notebooks
Between The Buried And Me - "The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues"
The Phoenix Effect - "A Light To Guide" digital single
Terror - "The Rhythm and the Chaos" EP
Dillinger Four - "Versus God"
Tin Lenses - "Eyesplitter" EP
Matchbook Romance - "West For Wishing" EP
Battlehooch - 2010 preview CD-R
DragonForce - "Inhuman Rampage"
Magpie/Interracial Bookclub - "All Bacon, No Beans" split EP
Smashing Pumpkins - "Drown" bootleg CD
OMI - "Me 4 U"
Dance Gavin Dance - S/T
Goatwhore - "Constricting Rage Of The Merciless"
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - "La Mere Vipere" 12" single
Between The Buried And Me - "The Great Misdirect"
Zac Brown Band - "Jekyll & Hyde"
Knights Of The Abyss - "Juggernaut"
Morbid Angel - "Juvenalia" live album
Throwdown - "You Don't Need To Be Blood To Be Family"
Lost Cause - "The World Is Yours" EP
Cretins - "Atac Llampec
Coldplay - "Parachutes"
V/A - "Punk Rock Strike Vol. 2"
Korn - "Life Is Peachy"
Caribou - "Andorra"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Beloved - "...And So It Goes"
Funeral Oration - S/T
The Heats - "Have An Idea"
The Wrath - "Overcoming Failure" EP
Beneath The Massacre - "Evidence of Inequality" EP
Collective Soul - S/T
Them Savages/Bat Manors - split EP
Lana Del Rey - "Ultraviolence"
Herbie Hancock - "Thrust"
Kate Bush - "The Kick Inside"
Eddie Richards - "Dream 2" b/w "iMove" 12"
Mellakka - "Ei..." EP
DayShell - S/T
Sufjan Stevens - "Carrie and Lowell"
Zouo - "The Final Agony" EP
Graf Orlock - "Trailer" EP
Nipsey Hussle - "Mailbox Money" mixtape
The Notwist - "Neon Golden"
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Eric Nally, Melle Mel, Kool Moe Dee, & Grandmaster Caz - "Downtown" digital single
Terror - "The Damned, The Shamed"
DeepTribe - "Inside My Love" EP
Creations - "Boom (P.O.D. cover)" digital single
Less Than Jake - "GNV FLA"
Therefore I Am/Vanna - split EP
Tomber Lever - 10-song promo CD
Therefore I Am - 7-song S/T EP
Tina Arena - "Eleven"
Christian Death - "Only Theatre Of Pain"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: Terence Blanchard & The E-Collective, Heart Attack Kids, Strand Of Oaks, St. Germain, Alex G, Cascandy, Cygnus, Mbongwana Star, SLiG, David Scuba, Courtney Bartnett, Max Richter, Karas, Bat Manors
- New albums from Panda Bear, Mr. Twin Sister, Courtney Bartnett, The Body & Thou
- That "MTV Amp" compilation is goddamn CRUCIAL
- the one and only PPL MVR isn't like the stupidest band ever but they're goddamn close, and it's not even cool stupid like Andrew WK it's just lame as fuck
- Worst of the month: Stop The Phoenix, Mississippi Rail Company, Stereotypical Working Class, The Phoenix Effect
- Ugly Kid Joe has a new album out, can you believe that
- I learned everything the hard way.
- Good Clean Fun try way too hard to be kinda cheeky and it just always falls flat...On the note of their album, it's funny I listened to an album with that name immediately followed by Impending Doom
- It always kinda sucks listening back on an old local band you used to be friends with and realizing how god awful they really were in restrospect
- The Gravitys Bring You Down/The Goo Goo Dolls Hold Me Up
- It's weird how modern country groups like Zac Brown Band have adopted hip-hop and EDM influences in recent years, it just seems counter-intuitive...but obviously there's a market there for it
- If there's one thing I hate, its Ramones cover bands...Just because you're Spanish-speaking doesn't make it any better, Cretins
- I enjoy Lana Del Rey's music a lot more now that I did when I first heard it
- I can appreciate Kate Bush's songwriting skills and her importance as an alternative pop icon but her voice is just too fucking high-pitched for me...maybe a few months or years down the line I'll have a Lana Del Rey turnaround like my former note indicated who knows
- Graf Orlock just never stops being badass
- If you're a band from Australia touring the U.S. I would think you'd want more music available to listen to online than a really shitty djent-ish cover of a P.O.D. song but Creations has other ideas...then again, making a P.O.D. original favorable to what you're playing is kind of a twisted feat in and of itself I guess
10/1/15: "The Suicide Theory"
"Whitey: The U.S. Vs. James T. Bulger"
10/2/15: "Boogie Nights"
10/3/15: FINISHED: "Bob's Burgers" Season 3
"Horizon: From Here To Infinity"
10/8/15: "Dinner For Schmucks"
10/10/15: "Minority Report"
"Nature: Animal Misfits"
"It's Such A Beautiful Day"
10/11/15: "National Geographic: Meth - World's Most Dangerous Drug"
10/13/15: "Brooklyn's Finest"
10/14/15: "Real Crime With Mike Austin: The Real Jigsaw Murderer"
10/15/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep" 10th rough cut
FINISHED: "American Horror Story: Freak Show"
FINISHED: "Mad Men" Season 4
10/18/15: "The Dark Crystal"
"Beyond The Mat"
10/19/15: "Big Fish"
10/20/15: "The Dark Side Of Everest"
- Finally I watched "Boogie Nights" all the way through and it really is a fucking great movie
- Our universe is expanding and it will never stop
- "Dinner For Schmucks" and "Minority Report" both took me like days to finish because I kept pausing them because they both suck so bad
- It's hard for me to recommend "It's Such A Beautiful Day" entirely because it truly made me feel weird inside at times, it creates a sense of claustrophobia in its repetitiveness that can be overwhelming and it really taps into some dark shit despite being a very simply drawn cartoon for the most part, but in the end it was a pretty rewarding experience...I just wouldn't recommend it to people dealing with major anxiety or paranoia issues cuz it's like designed to exacerbate those feelings
- Don't break kayfabe
- "Big Fish" was exactly how I thought it was gonna be, but I had expected it to be really good so that's not a bad thing
- Dang people are fucked up to each other when climbing Mt. Everest apparently
10/24/15: Tomber Lever/Happy In Hemet/[The Gravitys]/Liquid/Karas/SLiG/Brain Fragment/Shojo Winter @ Anthony's House (Happy Fest III)
- Happy Fest is the happiest day of the year. Thanks to Bean and Anthony for being \_/ with me for the night and for everybody who made that set so reaffirming and dope and for everybody else who rocked the house that night, shit was fucking dope...Love you guys.
10/29/15: FINISHED House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
- House Of Leaves is one of the most intense books I've ever read and speaks to so many facets of my personality, especially in the way its a horror story, a love story, and a somewhat ironic parody of intellectual society all at once...Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys dense storytelling, especially if you're willing to suspend your respect of "reality" at times...Great recommendation Cam Cam
Zero Progress - "The Void" EP
Squarepusher - "Port Rhombus" EP
Anti-Flag - "Sky Is Falling" b/w "Close My Eyes" 12" single
Breaking Benjamin - "Phobia"
Nine Inch Nails - "The Fragile" Left Disc
Autopsy - "Fiend For Blood" EP
Gnaw Their Tongues - "Abyss of Longing Throats"
Abysmal Dawn - "Obsolenscence"
Wanda Jackson - "Windy City Redux" 7"
The Dickies - "The Incredible Shrinking Dickies"
Terence Blanchard & The E-Collective - "Tiny Desk" live album
Dropkick Murphys - "The Warrior's Code"
No Problem - "Kid Killer" EP
HIM - "Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights"
David Bowie - "Space Oddity"
Panda Bear - "Meets The Grim Reaper"
Bad Religion - "The Process Of Belief"
Heart Attack Kids - S/T EP
Suffocation - "Despise The Sun" EP
Seizures - "The Sanity Universal"
V/A - "MTV Amp"
Discharge - "Never Again" 7"
Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine - "Tuxicity"
Kings Of Leon - "Because Of The Times"
Amebix - "Arise!"
Outo - "Half Life Wit" EP
Steel Panther - "All You Can Eat"
Austrian Death Machine - "Triple Brutal"
Foie Gras - "Held"
Earth Crisis - "Gomorrah's Season Ends"
Paper Planets/Ellewood - split EP
Soilwork - "Steelbath Suicide"
Trivium - "Silence in the Snow"
Angry Samoans - "STP Not LSD"
INVSN - "Inheritance"
Donny Hathaway - S/T
Marilyn Manson - "Lest We Forget: The Best Of"
In Flames - "Come Clarity"
Strand Of Oaks - "Heal"
Lee Burridge - "Lost & Found" EP
Red Fang - "An Absolute Music Banker Session" EP
Strung Out - "Transmission Alpha Delta"
Stars Are Insane/Morgue Toad - split EP
Excel - "Split Image"
HORSE The Band - "The Mechanical Hand"
Azealia Banks - "Broke With Expensive Taste"
The Misfits - "Static Age"
Lauryn Hill - "The Miseducation Of..."
The Decemberists - "The Crane Wife"
Weezer - S/T (Blue Album)
Entombed - "Unreal Estate" live album
100deadrabbits - "Teeth" EP
Metallica - "Master Of Puppets"
Myotonia - S/T
Fugazi - "Steady Diet Of Nothing"
Squarepusher - "Vic Acid" EP
The Cure - "Disintegration"
Satanized - "Sickness and Hellth: The Secular Chansons of Satanized" EP
the one and only PPL MVR - S/T EP
Michael Jackson - "Off The Wall"
Pink Floyd - "Piper At The Gates Of Dawn"
Moonspell - "Extinct"
Staind - "Tormented"
Cannabis Corpse - "Tube of the Resinated"
Tomber Lever - "C21H3O05" EP
Andreas Hanneberg - "Ocai" EP
Dance Gavin Dance - "Instant Gratification"
New Found Glory - "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
Step By Step - "I Always Wanted To Be In A Band" b/w "I Ain't Never Gonna Let Go" 7"
Knights Of The Abyss - "Shades"
St. Germain - S/T
Gwar - "America Must Be Destroyed"
Peter Tosh - "Legalize It"
The Pocket Rockets - S/T EP
Chikochikorita - "Nami The Girl" digital single
Discharge - "Realities Of War" EP
Madchild - "Silver Tongues Devil"
Internal Bleeding - "Imperium"
The Mummies - "Never Been Caught"
Amebix - "Monolith"
Chvrches - "Get Away" b/w "Dead Air" 7"
The Coltranes - "The Cat Of Nine Tails" EP
Gus G. - "I Am The Fire"
HORSE The Band - "Pizza" EP
Disgorge - "She Lay Gutted"
Alex G - "Beach Music"
Outo - "Many Problem, Poison Solution" EP
The Wans - "He Said, She Said"
Adam Sandler - "What The Hell Happened To Me?"
The Receiving End Of Sirens - "The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi"
Kings Of Leon - "Youth And Young Manhood"
Ripcord - "Harvest Hardcore" EP
Cursive - "Domestica"
Vanna - "The Search Party Never Came" EP
Onesidezero - "Is This Room Getting Smaller?"
Squarepusher - "Music Is Rotted One Note"
Liquid - "Live Singles" demo
Cascandy - "Goodbye Darling" 12"
Cygnus - "Radical User Interfaces" EP
Through The Eyes Of The Dead - "Bloodlust"
Stop The Phoenix - "Drifter" digital single
The 4-Skins - "Clockword Skinhead"
Slaves - "Routine Breathing"
Rotting Christ - "Khronos"
Mbongwana Star - "From Kinshasha"
Ugly Kid Joe - "Uglier Than They Used To Be"
The Faceless - "Akeldama"
Discharge - "State Violence, State Control" b/w "Doom's Day" 7"
The Heats - "Have An Idea"
V/A - "Punk Rock Strike"
Animals As Leaders - "The Joy Of Motion"
Dying Fetus - "Reign Supreme"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
end of the summer - "Three" EP
Family Of Light - "Technicolor In Stereo"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Blood Pressure - 2015 promo tape
Mr. Twin Sister - S/T
Mississippi Rail Company - "Coal Black Train"
Veil Of Maya - "The Common Man's Collapse"
The Arcade Fire - "The Suburbs"
Deadmau5 - "Dieback Music Pack"
Terror - "Always The Hard Way"
Vesperian Sorrow - "Psychotic Sculpture"
Ruptures - "Adorimidera" EP
Outo - "No Way Out" 7"
Good Clean Fun - "Between Christian Rock & A Hard Place"
Impending Doom - "Nailed. Dead. Risen."
Less Than Jake - "In With The Out Crowd"
Nothing From Something - 5-song demo
Conflict - "Increase The Pressure"
Mellakka - "Itsenaisyyspaiva" EP
Stereotypical Working Class - "Sans Reperes"
Cursive - "The Ugly Organ"
Goo Goo Dolls - "Hold Me Up"
SLiG - "Lives Vol. 3"
David Scuba - "Reworks and Edits" EP
Mob 47 - "Hardcore Attack" cassette EP
A Lot Like Birds - "No Place"
Courtney Bartnett - "Sometimes I Just Sit And Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit"
Arty - "Glorious"
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - "Nocturama"
The Body & Thou - "You, Whom I Have Always Hated" collaborative album
2 Chainz - "T.R.U. The Real University" mixtape
Max Richter - "The Blue Notebooks
Between The Buried And Me - "The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues"
The Phoenix Effect - "A Light To Guide" digital single
Terror - "The Rhythm and the Chaos" EP
Dillinger Four - "Versus God"
Tin Lenses - "Eyesplitter" EP
Matchbook Romance - "West For Wishing" EP
Battlehooch - 2010 preview CD-R
DragonForce - "Inhuman Rampage"
Magpie/Interracial Bookclub - "All Bacon, No Beans" split EP
Smashing Pumpkins - "Drown" bootleg CD
OMI - "Me 4 U"
Dance Gavin Dance - S/T
Goatwhore - "Constricting Rage Of The Merciless"
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - "La Mere Vipere" 12" single
Between The Buried And Me - "The Great Misdirect"
Zac Brown Band - "Jekyll & Hyde"
Knights Of The Abyss - "Juggernaut"
Morbid Angel - "Juvenalia" live album
Throwdown - "You Don't Need To Be Blood To Be Family"
Lost Cause - "The World Is Yours" EP
Cretins - "Atac Llampec
Coldplay - "Parachutes"
V/A - "Punk Rock Strike Vol. 2"
Korn - "Life Is Peachy"
Caribou - "Andorra"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Beloved - "...And So It Goes"
Funeral Oration - S/T
The Heats - "Have An Idea"
The Wrath - "Overcoming Failure" EP
Beneath The Massacre - "Evidence of Inequality" EP
Collective Soul - S/T
Them Savages/Bat Manors - split EP
Lana Del Rey - "Ultraviolence"
Herbie Hancock - "Thrust"
Kate Bush - "The Kick Inside"
Eddie Richards - "Dream 2" b/w "iMove" 12"
Mellakka - "Ei..." EP
DayShell - S/T
Sufjan Stevens - "Carrie and Lowell"
Zouo - "The Final Agony" EP
Graf Orlock - "Trailer" EP
Nipsey Hussle - "Mailbox Money" mixtape
The Notwist - "Neon Golden"
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Eric Nally, Melle Mel, Kool Moe Dee, & Grandmaster Caz - "Downtown" digital single
Terror - "The Damned, The Shamed"
DeepTribe - "Inside My Love" EP
Creations - "Boom (P.O.D. cover)" digital single
Less Than Jake - "GNV FLA"
Therefore I Am/Vanna - split EP
Tomber Lever - 10-song promo CD
Therefore I Am - 7-song S/T EP
Tina Arena - "Eleven"
Christian Death - "Only Theatre Of Pain"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: Terence Blanchard & The E-Collective, Heart Attack Kids, Strand Of Oaks, St. Germain, Alex G, Cascandy, Cygnus, Mbongwana Star, SLiG, David Scuba, Courtney Bartnett, Max Richter, Karas, Bat Manors
- New albums from Panda Bear, Mr. Twin Sister, Courtney Bartnett, The Body & Thou
- That "MTV Amp" compilation is goddamn CRUCIAL
- the one and only PPL MVR isn't like the stupidest band ever but they're goddamn close, and it's not even cool stupid like Andrew WK it's just lame as fuck
- Worst of the month: Stop The Phoenix, Mississippi Rail Company, Stereotypical Working Class, The Phoenix Effect
- Ugly Kid Joe has a new album out, can you believe that
- I learned everything the hard way.
- Good Clean Fun try way too hard to be kinda cheeky and it just always falls flat...On the note of their album, it's funny I listened to an album with that name immediately followed by Impending Doom
- It always kinda sucks listening back on an old local band you used to be friends with and realizing how god awful they really were in restrospect
- The Gravitys Bring You Down/The Goo Goo Dolls Hold Me Up
- It's weird how modern country groups like Zac Brown Band have adopted hip-hop and EDM influences in recent years, it just seems counter-intuitive...but obviously there's a market there for it
- If there's one thing I hate, its Ramones cover bands...Just because you're Spanish-speaking doesn't make it any better, Cretins
- I enjoy Lana Del Rey's music a lot more now that I did when I first heard it
- I can appreciate Kate Bush's songwriting skills and her importance as an alternative pop icon but her voice is just too fucking high-pitched for me...maybe a few months or years down the line I'll have a Lana Del Rey turnaround like my former note indicated who knows
- Graf Orlock just never stops being badass
- If you're a band from Australia touring the U.S. I would think you'd want more music available to listen to online than a really shitty djent-ish cover of a P.O.D. song but Creations has other ideas...then again, making a P.O.D. original favorable to what you're playing is kind of a twisted feat in and of itself I guess
10/1/15: "The Suicide Theory"
"Whitey: The U.S. Vs. James T. Bulger"
10/2/15: "Boogie Nights"
10/3/15: FINISHED: "Bob's Burgers" Season 3
"Horizon: From Here To Infinity"
10/8/15: "Dinner For Schmucks"
10/10/15: "Minority Report"
"Nature: Animal Misfits"
"It's Such A Beautiful Day"
10/11/15: "National Geographic: Meth - World's Most Dangerous Drug"
10/13/15: "Brooklyn's Finest"
10/14/15: "Real Crime With Mike Austin: The Real Jigsaw Murderer"
10/15/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep" 10th rough cut
FINISHED: "American Horror Story: Freak Show"
FINISHED: "Mad Men" Season 4
10/18/15: "The Dark Crystal"
"Beyond The Mat"
10/19/15: "Big Fish"
10/20/15: "The Dark Side Of Everest"
- Finally I watched "Boogie Nights" all the way through and it really is a fucking great movie
- Our universe is expanding and it will never stop
- "Dinner For Schmucks" and "Minority Report" both took me like days to finish because I kept pausing them because they both suck so bad
- It's hard for me to recommend "It's Such A Beautiful Day" entirely because it truly made me feel weird inside at times, it creates a sense of claustrophobia in its repetitiveness that can be overwhelming and it really taps into some dark shit despite being a very simply drawn cartoon for the most part, but in the end it was a pretty rewarding experience...I just wouldn't recommend it to people dealing with major anxiety or paranoia issues cuz it's like designed to exacerbate those feelings
- Don't break kayfabe
- "Big Fish" was exactly how I thought it was gonna be, but I had expected it to be really good so that's not a bad thing
- Dang people are fucked up to each other when climbing Mt. Everest apparently
10/24/15: Tomber Lever/Happy In Hemet/[The Gravitys]/Liquid/Karas/SLiG/Brain Fragment/Shojo Winter @ Anthony's House (Happy Fest III)
- Happy Fest is the happiest day of the year. Thanks to Bean and Anthony for being \_/ with me for the night and for everybody who made that set so reaffirming and dope and for everybody else who rocked the house that night, shit was fucking dope...Love you guys.
10/29/15: FINISHED House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
- House Of Leaves is one of the most intense books I've ever read and speaks to so many facets of my personality, especially in the way its a horror story, a love story, and a somewhat ironic parody of intellectual society all at once...Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys dense storytelling, especially if you're willing to suspend your respect of "reality" at times...Great recommendation Cam Cam
Friday, October 23, 2015
INTERVIEW: Adam from Gag, September 4th 2015
This interview was conducted during Resurrect Cali Fest in Berkeley as the band White Wards was setting up.
Ian: Alright, this is Ian, I'm here with Adam from Gag; Adam, you hurt yourself in the last couple days, what happened?
Adam: So, I was drunk as fuck and I fucking fell off a bridge and landed on my back
I: Where was this at?
A: In Olympia, just a couple hours before we had to leave to come here, where we are now. I was drunk as fuck and tried to jump onto the railing of a bridge and overcompensated and fell on my back 2 stories down.
I: But you're standing, I mean...
A: Yeah...
I: Have you been to a doctor?
A: Nah, nah, nah..But definitely I have like 2-3 cracked ribs
I: O my goodness...well tell me this, why did you want to jump onto the railing?
A: Uhhh...for fun
I: Alright, that says it all...What's your favorite breakfast food, just so I can end this out?
A: Eggs benedict. That's the one with the cream, right?
I: The hollandaise sauce
A: Yeah, eggs benedict.
I: Alright, well good luck on your set later on; Feel better man!
Ian: Alright, this is Ian, I'm here with Adam from Gag; Adam, you hurt yourself in the last couple days, what happened?
Adam: So, I was drunk as fuck and I fucking fell off a bridge and landed on my back
I: Where was this at?
A: In Olympia, just a couple hours before we had to leave to come here, where we are now. I was drunk as fuck and tried to jump onto the railing of a bridge and overcompensated and fell on my back 2 stories down.
I: But you're standing, I mean...
A: Yeah...
I: Have you been to a doctor?
A: Nah, nah, nah..But definitely I have like 2-3 cracked ribs
I: O my goodness...well tell me this, why did you want to jump onto the railing?
A: Uhhh...for fun
I: Alright, that says it all...What's your favorite breakfast food, just so I can end this out?
A: Eggs benedict. That's the one with the cream, right?
I: The hollandaise sauce
A: Yeah, eggs benedict.
I: Alright, well good luck on your set later on; Feel better man!
INTERVIEW: Daniel from Health Problems, September 3rd 2015
Ian: This is Ian and I'm talking with Dan from Health Problems, we're at...what is this place?
Dan: (Shouting to someone else) What's this place called?
[Sam from The Coltranes passes by]
I: Sam! What is this place called?
D: We're in Santa Rosa
I: Tomorrow is Resurrect Cali
Sam: The Francis Theatre or some shit
I: [So we're at The Francis Theatre], you guys are on tour from Seattle; what's your itinerary been like?
D: We went through the Great American West into the Midwest, had a bunch of shows there, then swooped down South into Texas, then the Southwest, and then the West Coast. Oh and we played a couple Canadian and Northwest shows too
I: Of course they're gonna start doing their jamming now; we can go into a different room...So I understand you guys had your van break down, where did that happen?
D: Oh, in Eastern Texas. It broke down twice; oh god it was so terrible...each time it broke down it was a full 24-hour process, having it towed, it's a station wagon - a Subaru - really old, over 200,000 miles. We had to get it towed, stay at a motel overnight until the mechanic could look at it, he got it back on the road the first time, we played in Austin and then in the middle of the desert it broke down again, it was another whole 24-hour process and we had to scrap it that time because the repair was gonna cost over $1,000 and we were gonna miss shows waiting for the guy to fix it.
I: Gotta do what you gotta do
D: So I'm down my personal car and the cost of a rental
I: O my god so that was your car?
D: Yeah it was me and my wife's personal station wagon
I: Awww...
D: And then we had to get the rental van
I: So what are you gonna do when you get home?
D: Uh, I don't know yet...
I: Oh man
D: Yeah, it's a straight-up unfortunate situation
I: Well, besides that, how's your tour been going?
D: That stretch in the Midwest was great, we played some really great shows, drove from Kansas City all the way to Minneapolis, down again to Nashville...Milwaukee and Iowa City were highlights...
I: Okay, we're moving it out to kinda the backstage place here so I can finish this interview...okay so you've had a good experience for the most part
D: Yeah
I: And you're here in the Bay Area right now, have you played here before?
D: Uh, yeah, we've played in the Bay Area a couple days at a time for the last 2 years, we've done West Coast tours the last 2 years
I: O word, so how long have you guys been playing?
D: 3 and a half years
I: How would you describe your experience in your scene up there in Seattle? Like, what's your take on what\s going on up there?
D: Oh, it's a lot of fun, there's a lot of creativity up there right now. There's a whole bunch of really exciting bands. I mean, in Seattle there's bands like Baths and Nudes and a whole lot of really good bands, and then up in Canada we played with Freak Heat Waves at the beginning of the tour, we played Victoria and Vancouver with Freak Heat Waves, who everyone should check out.
I: Okay, so as I mentioned I'm here with The Coltranes doing merch, and they had a problem on a recent tour when they went to Canada because the guitarist wasn't able to get in. Have you had any problems when you were doing the crossover there?
D: Luckily, not at all. We got through smoothly. We always hear bad stories about it.
I: Alright so I'm just gonna try to get a final question in cuz it looks like the next band is about to you have a new album coming out soon through Virgin Spring called "Winners;" when did you guys record that?
D: A long time ago, about a year ago
I: Yeah I just heard it recently
D: Yeah it took us time to find those guys to release it and then to press the vinyl, that takes the meantime as we've waited for the release, we've recorded and released a whole other full-length called "Ugly Man"
I: And you have a flexi as well
D: Yeah, that's through our friend Anthony from [band names inaudible under background noise -> maybe Lysol?] ; he released that flexi.
I: Word, alright well the next band's about to play, sorry to keep you but I do appreciate it; good luck with your tour and everything on your way home
D: Thank you
Dan: (Shouting to someone else) What's this place called?
[Sam from The Coltranes passes by]
I: Sam! What is this place called?
D: We're in Santa Rosa
I: Tomorrow is Resurrect Cali
Sam: The Francis Theatre or some shit
I: [So we're at The Francis Theatre], you guys are on tour from Seattle; what's your itinerary been like?
D: We went through the Great American West into the Midwest, had a bunch of shows there, then swooped down South into Texas, then the Southwest, and then the West Coast. Oh and we played a couple Canadian and Northwest shows too
I: Of course they're gonna start doing their jamming now; we can go into a different room...So I understand you guys had your van break down, where did that happen?
D: Oh, in Eastern Texas. It broke down twice; oh god it was so terrible...each time it broke down it was a full 24-hour process, having it towed, it's a station wagon - a Subaru - really old, over 200,000 miles. We had to get it towed, stay at a motel overnight until the mechanic could look at it, he got it back on the road the first time, we played in Austin and then in the middle of the desert it broke down again, it was another whole 24-hour process and we had to scrap it that time because the repair was gonna cost over $1,000 and we were gonna miss shows waiting for the guy to fix it.
I: Gotta do what you gotta do
D: So I'm down my personal car and the cost of a rental
I: O my god so that was your car?
D: Yeah it was me and my wife's personal station wagon
I: Awww...
D: And then we had to get the rental van
I: So what are you gonna do when you get home?
D: Uh, I don't know yet...
I: Oh man
D: Yeah, it's a straight-up unfortunate situation
I: Well, besides that, how's your tour been going?
D: That stretch in the Midwest was great, we played some really great shows, drove from Kansas City all the way to Minneapolis, down again to Nashville...Milwaukee and Iowa City were highlights...
I: Okay, we're moving it out to kinda the backstage place here so I can finish this interview...okay so you've had a good experience for the most part
D: Yeah
I: And you're here in the Bay Area right now, have you played here before?
D: Uh, yeah, we've played in the Bay Area a couple days at a time for the last 2 years, we've done West Coast tours the last 2 years
I: O word, so how long have you guys been playing?
D: 3 and a half years
I: How would you describe your experience in your scene up there in Seattle? Like, what's your take on what\s going on up there?
D: Oh, it's a lot of fun, there's a lot of creativity up there right now. There's a whole bunch of really exciting bands. I mean, in Seattle there's bands like Baths and Nudes and a whole lot of really good bands, and then up in Canada we played with Freak Heat Waves at the beginning of the tour, we played Victoria and Vancouver with Freak Heat Waves, who everyone should check out.
I: Okay, so as I mentioned I'm here with The Coltranes doing merch, and they had a problem on a recent tour when they went to Canada because the guitarist wasn't able to get in. Have you had any problems when you were doing the crossover there?
D: Luckily, not at all. We got through smoothly. We always hear bad stories about it.
I: Alright so I'm just gonna try to get a final question in cuz it looks like the next band is about to you have a new album coming out soon through Virgin Spring called "Winners;" when did you guys record that?
D: A long time ago, about a year ago
I: Yeah I just heard it recently
D: Yeah it took us time to find those guys to release it and then to press the vinyl, that takes the meantime as we've waited for the release, we've recorded and released a whole other full-length called "Ugly Man"
I: And you have a flexi as well
D: Yeah, that's through our friend Anthony from [band names inaudible under background noise -> maybe Lysol?] ; he released that flexi.
I: Word, alright well the next band's about to play, sorry to keep you but I do appreciate it; good luck with your tour and everything on your way home
D: Thank you
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Playlist for September 2015
This is a list of all the albums, EPs, singles, etc that I listened to in the month of September 2015, followed by lists of movies/shows/etc I watched and bands I saw live. Notes regarding all follow each. Enjoy!
Dan Dyer - "Oh Woman (She The Devil To Me)"
Jose Gonzalez - "Vestiges & Claws"
Autolux - "Future Perfect"
Love Lost But Not Forgotten - S/T
Angry Samoans - "Inside My Brain"
Job For A Cowboy - "Sun Eater"
The Skulls - "Therapy For The Shy"
Lewd Acts - "Black Eyed Blues"
Big Freedia - "Azz Everywhere" EP
Beastie Boys - "Licensed To Ill"
Children Of Bodom - "Are You Dead Yet?"
Cornershop - "When I Was Born For The 7th Time"
Metallica - "Lords of Summer" digital single
Too Short - "Life Is...Too Short"
Dress Code - S/T EP
Funeral Oration - "Shadowland" EP
Mouthful Of Snow - "[EPHEMERA]"
Apathean - "Eve"
The E-Regulars - S/T
Bad Bikini/Black Jugs - "Babies" split EP
Slipknot - "Iowa"
Fool Of Fate - 4-song sampler CD
Orgone - "Strike" b/w "New You" 7"
Discordance Axis - "JouHou"
Discordance Axis/Plutocracy - split 7"
Melt-Banana/Discordance Axis - split 7"
Drowning Pool - "Sinner"
Weezer - "Make Believe"
Nate Ruess - "Grand Romantic"
Matador - "Play With Me"
Downtown Brown - S/T
Love Lost But Not Forgotten - "Upon The Right, I Saw A New Misery"
SFHH - S/T cassette EP
Mole People - S/T cassette
Powerwolves - Demo 2010
Disturbed - "Ten Thousand Fists"
Call The Cops - "Never Underestimate The Kids" demo CD
Fit For Rivals - "Steady Damage"
Van Morrison - "Moondance"
Monolink & Acid Pauli - "The End" 12"
Stone Temple Pilots - "Core"
Rebelution - "Courage To Grow"
Duke Dumont - "Ocean Drive" digital single
Story Of The Year - "Page Avenue"
The Vandals - "Peace Thru Vandalism" EP
Pure - "XXX" EP
BruceXCampbell - "Hail To The King" EP
The Nerve Agents - "Days of the White Owl"
All That Remains - "The Fall Of Ideals"
Zotz - S/T 7"
Touche Amore & Self Defense Family - "Self Love" collaborative EP
Ozzy Osbourne - "Memoirs of a Madman" compilation CD
SayWeCanFly - "Between The Roses"
Avail - "Satiate"
The Ramshackle Army - "Letters from the Road Less Traveled"
Opeth - "Your Arms, My Hearse"
Cashmere Cat ft. Adriana Grande - "Adore" digital single
The Ruts - "Something That I Said: The Best Of"
Griever - "Our Love Is Different"
Andrew WK - "I Get Wet"
Big D & The Kids Table - "Good Luck"
Suicide Silence - S/T EP
Black Randy & The Metrosquad - "Idi Amin" EP
Rammstein - "Sehnsucht"
A Calmer Day - 2005 Demo CD
Corrosion Of Conformity - "Deliverance"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Ja Rule - "Rule 3:36"
Rise Against - "The Sufferer and the Witness"
The Skank Agents - "Something For Everyone"
The Coltranes - "The Man With The Hat"
The Coltranes - "The Cat Of Nine Tails" EP
Light This City - "Facing The Thousand"
Shojo Winter - "Eternal Snow" EP
Protest The Hero - "Kezia"
Linkin Park - "Hybrid Theory"
Avail - "Dixie"
Big Boys - "Where's My Towel?/Industry Standard"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Take This Hand - "Our Only Hope" EP
Torche - "Meanderthal"
Discordance Axis - "The Inalienable Dreamless"
Avail - "Dixie"
Protest The Hero - "Kezia"
MATH - "Yumi" digital single
Mac Miller - "GO:OD AM"
The NewNo2 - "You Are Here"
Animosity - "Empires"
Static-X - "Machine"
Incendiary - "Crusade"
Angry Samoans - "Queer Pills" EP
A$AP Rocky - "At.Long.Last"
Green Velvet & Carl Craig - "Unity"
Richie Ramone - "Entitled"
Cartel - "The Ransom"
The Kills - "No Wow"
Coyote Kisses - "Acid Wolfpack" EP
Coheed & Cambria - "The Second Stage Turbine Blade"
Twenty-One Pilots - S/T
Tale Of Us - "Another Earth" EP
Glassjaw - "Coloring Book"
Redd Kross - "Born Innocent"
Protest The Hero - "Kezia"
Protest The Hero - "Fortress"
Fishbone - "Inttrinsically Intertwined"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
The Gravitys - "Bring You Down"
Happy In Hemet - "Hush"
Autopsy - "Severed Survival"
Deceive - "Arrival of the Dark Masters" EP
Battlecross - "Rise To Power"
The Life We Live - 5-song demo
Eagles Of Death Metal - "Peace, Love, and Death Metal"
Jane's Addiction - "Ritual de lo Habitual"
Osker - "Treatment 5"
Make Do And Men - "Don't Be Long"
Drive Like Jehu - S/T
Stick Together - S/T
From Autumn To Ashes - "The Fiction We Live"
The Faction - "Collection 1982-1985"
Dream Theater - "Systematic Chaos"
Wisdom In Chains - "The God Rhythm"
Discharge - "Decontrol" EP
Lakeside - "Galactic Grooves: The Best Of"
Rocket From The Crypt - "Scream, Dracula, Scream!"
XTC - "Fossil Fuel: Singles 1977-1992" Disc 1
Thursday - "Full Collapse"
Earth Crisis - "Destroy The Machines"
Tool - "10,000 Days"
Tha Dogg Pound with Snoop Dogg - "That's My Work Vol. 5" mixtape
V/A - "F.I.M.P.: Ohio 2"
Hounds - Demo 2015
Protest The Hero - "A Calculated Use Of Sound" EP
Peelander-Z - "Metalander-Z"
Cartel - "Chroma"
David Gilmour - "Rattle That Lock"
Xibalba - S/T
Ben Howard - "I Forget Where We Were"
Angry Samoans - "Back From Samoa"
Davi - "The Gates Of Babylon" b/w "Eclipse" digital single
Naked Raygun - "Throb Throb"
Burn The Priest - S/T
Animosity - "Animal"
Adam Sandler - "They're All Gonna Laugh At You"
Sleeping With Sirens - "Madness"
Ajja & Cosmosis - "The Alien Jams: Live at the HR Giger Museum"
Autopsy - "Retribution for the Dead" EP
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - S/T
Action Bronson - "Dr. Lecter"
Dashboard Confessional - "The Swiss Army Romance"
Redd Kross - "Teen Babes From Monsanto"
Bouncing Souls - "How I Spent My Summer Vacation"
Hooded Menace/Loss - "A View From The Rope" split 12"
Six Feet Under - "Crypt of the Devil"
Still Remains - "Of Love And Lunacy"
The Gravitys - "Bring You Down"
Lumpy & The Dumpers - "Total Punk" 7"
Del The Funky Homosapien - "Future Development"
Clutch - S/T
Ministry - "The Land of Rape and Honey"
Rich Aucion - "Ephemeral"
The Church - "El Momento Descuidado" acoustic album
Hudson Mohawke - "Satin Panthers" EP
Discharge - "Fight Back" EP
Client - "Trap" 8" flexi
Stereomud - "Every Given Moment"
Suffocation - "Pierced From Within"
Secret Machines - S/T
Zero Progress - "Champions of Hardcore"
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - "Mongrel"
Neil Hamburger - "Hot February Night"
Soilwork - "Natural Born Chaos"
Disturbed - "Immortalized"
Crime Desire - "Your Power"
I Am Cassettes - "Believe" digital single
Peace Corpse - "Quincy's Lament" EP
A New Found Glory - "It's All About The Girls" EP
Youth Lagoon - "Savage Hills Ballroom"
Boogie Down Productions - "Criminal Minded"
Dropkick Murphys - "The Meanest of Times"
Cannabis Corpse - "Blunted at Birth"
Echosmith - "Acoustic Dreams" EP
Francesca Lombardi - "Perseidi" 12"
Angry Samoans - "Yesterday Started Tomorrow
Dead Kennedys - "Plastic Surgery Disasters"
Dead Kennedys - "In God We Trust, Inc."
Carbon Based Lifeforms - "Interloper"
Suicidal Tendencies - S/T
Lamb Of God - "New American Gospel"
BADBADNOTGOOD & Ghostface Killah - "Sour Soul"
Jimmy Eat World - "Bleed American"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: Jose Gonzalez, Orgone, Pure, BruceXCampbell, Zotz, The NewNo2, Deceive, Hounds, Ajja, Cosmosis, Hooded Menace, Neil Hamburger, Carbon Based Lifeforms
- I appreciate their importance in the early LA punk scene but I just cannot for the life of me get into The Skulls at all
- Jeez that new Metallica single fucking sucks
- Ironically, my problem with Too Short is that his songs are too damn long
- Worst of the month: The E-Regulars, Nate Ruess, Twenty-One Pilots, I Am Cassettes
- Don't stop living in the red.
- The fact that I listened to entire albums by Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Ja Rule, and Stereomud really shows you how poor my decision-making on the whole has been lately
- God I love Protest The Hero
- New albums by Mac Miller, A$AP Rocky, Happy In Hemet, and BADBADNOTGOOD & Ghostface Killah are all pretty tight
- I didn't really like Cartel back when they were kinda blowing up and now I fucking LOVE them
- I thought Eagles Of Death Metal were gonna be alot doper ; very underwhelming
- Lakeside is without a doubt, indisputably, the dopest pirate/gypsy/other Halloween character-themed RnB band there ever was and I doubt anyone will ever even challenge their title
- "If Nigel says he's happy, he must be happy, he must be happy in his work..."
- That Adam Sandler album is so gratingly bad, how did that begin a media empire?
- Who is Clutch's fanbase? I can't see the appeal at all
9/1/15: "RoboCop"
9/2/15: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
9/3/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep" rough cut 4
9/5/15: "Bill Burr: I'm Sorry You Feel That Way"
"Bill Burr: You People Are All The Same"
"World's Greatest Dad"
9/6/15: "Fat Kid Rules The World"
"White God"
9/7/15: "Monster Squad"
"Full Metal Jacket"
9/9/15: "Romper Stomper"
9/10/15: FINISHED "Orange Is The New Black" Season 3
9/12/15: "Bruce Almighty"
"Dead Hands Dig Deep" rough cut 5
9/14/15: "Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World"
9/15/15: "Big Trouble In Little China"
9/16/15: "Time Lapse"
9/18/15: "Dear White People"
9/19/15: "Zathura"
9/20/15: "Moonrise Kingdom"
9/22/15: "Masters Of The Universe"
FINISHED "South Park" Season 18
9/23/15: "Hackers"
9/25/15: "Kung Fu Killer"
9/27/15: "Skin Trade"
9/29/15: "The Road Within"
- Why did I watch so many movies based on toys this month?
- Neither the new RoboCop nor the new TMNT were nearly as awful as I expected, but that's not necessarily saying they were very good either
- I have my own reservations about how the Edwin documentary has turned out but they're minor and the newest cut especially was really good...Dead Hands Dig Deep.
- Wow "World's Greatest Dad" really is a fucked up movie
- A good friend of mine who's unfortunately addicted to heroin often lists "Trainspotting" as one of his favorite movies and it's just such a horrifying film at times that I cannot understand how it would be appealing to him...But then again one of my favorite movies is "The Lost Weekend", so...
- The ending of "Jumanji" presents a terrifying version of time travel in my opinion and I'm gonna write a gritty reboot based on my observations
- That dog in "White God" is the best actor of the year, I just wonder how they got that out of him its amazing
- "Time Lapse" is a stupid concept with terrible acting and I highly recommend not wasting your time on it
- Despite its somewhat inflammatory title, "Dear White People" has a bit more to do with divisions within black communities...If you're a racist though I'm sure you won't pick up on that
- After watching "Zathura" I was pissed at how much its story was the same as "Jumanji" so I looked up reviews and shit to confirm my outrage and it turns out both are based on books by the same author, which transfers my outrage to him for copying himself to such financial success
- "Moonrise Kingdom" was okay I guess, and I know the following statement is gonna rub some of my good friends the wrong way, but Wes Anderson's style is way too cutesy and twee for me and it seems like all his movies follow a pretty standard "quirky" formula and I could stand not to see another one
- TRIGGER WARNING: I really enjoy the new PC Principal character on "South Park."
- "Hackers" has got to be one of the most unintentionally hilarious movies of the 1990s and there were a lot of those made in that decade
- "Skin Trade" is like Dolph Lundgren's pet project making him Liam Neeson from "Taken" for all captured sex slaves in Asia
9/3/15: Destruction Unit/Gag/White Wards/The Coltranes/Health Problems @ Allen Francis Theatre
9/4/15: Culture Abuse/The Coltranes/Stressors/Drag Me Under/Mohicans @ 924 Gilman St (Resurrect Cali Fest Day 1)
- That was a fun trip. Pies 4 life.
Dan Dyer - "Oh Woman (She The Devil To Me)"
Jose Gonzalez - "Vestiges & Claws"
Autolux - "Future Perfect"
Love Lost But Not Forgotten - S/T
Angry Samoans - "Inside My Brain"
Job For A Cowboy - "Sun Eater"
The Skulls - "Therapy For The Shy"
Lewd Acts - "Black Eyed Blues"
Big Freedia - "Azz Everywhere" EP
Beastie Boys - "Licensed To Ill"
Children Of Bodom - "Are You Dead Yet?"
Cornershop - "When I Was Born For The 7th Time"
Metallica - "Lords of Summer" digital single
Too Short - "Life Is...Too Short"
Dress Code - S/T EP
Funeral Oration - "Shadowland" EP
Mouthful Of Snow - "[EPHEMERA]"
Apathean - "Eve"
The E-Regulars - S/T
Bad Bikini/Black Jugs - "Babies" split EP
Slipknot - "Iowa"
Fool Of Fate - 4-song sampler CD
Orgone - "Strike" b/w "New You" 7"
Discordance Axis - "JouHou"
Discordance Axis/Plutocracy - split 7"
Melt-Banana/Discordance Axis - split 7"
Drowning Pool - "Sinner"
Weezer - "Make Believe"
Nate Ruess - "Grand Romantic"
Matador - "Play With Me"
Downtown Brown - S/T
Love Lost But Not Forgotten - "Upon The Right, I Saw A New Misery"
SFHH - S/T cassette EP
Mole People - S/T cassette
Powerwolves - Demo 2010
Disturbed - "Ten Thousand Fists"
Call The Cops - "Never Underestimate The Kids" demo CD
Fit For Rivals - "Steady Damage"
Van Morrison - "Moondance"
Monolink & Acid Pauli - "The End" 12"
Stone Temple Pilots - "Core"
Rebelution - "Courage To Grow"
Duke Dumont - "Ocean Drive" digital single
Story Of The Year - "Page Avenue"
The Vandals - "Peace Thru Vandalism" EP
Pure - "XXX" EP
BruceXCampbell - "Hail To The King" EP
The Nerve Agents - "Days of the White Owl"
All That Remains - "The Fall Of Ideals"
Zotz - S/T 7"
Touche Amore & Self Defense Family - "Self Love" collaborative EP
Ozzy Osbourne - "Memoirs of a Madman" compilation CD
SayWeCanFly - "Between The Roses"
Avail - "Satiate"
The Ramshackle Army - "Letters from the Road Less Traveled"
Opeth - "Your Arms, My Hearse"
Cashmere Cat ft. Adriana Grande - "Adore" digital single
The Ruts - "Something That I Said: The Best Of"
Griever - "Our Love Is Different"
Andrew WK - "I Get Wet"
Big D & The Kids Table - "Good Luck"
Suicide Silence - S/T EP
Black Randy & The Metrosquad - "Idi Amin" EP
Rammstein - "Sehnsucht"
A Calmer Day - 2005 Demo CD
Corrosion Of Conformity - "Deliverance"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Ja Rule - "Rule 3:36"
Rise Against - "The Sufferer and the Witness"
The Skank Agents - "Something For Everyone"
The Coltranes - "The Man With The Hat"
The Coltranes - "The Cat Of Nine Tails" EP
Light This City - "Facing The Thousand"
Shojo Winter - "Eternal Snow" EP
Protest The Hero - "Kezia"
Linkin Park - "Hybrid Theory"
Avail - "Dixie"
Big Boys - "Where's My Towel?/Industry Standard"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
Take This Hand - "Our Only Hope" EP
Torche - "Meanderthal"
Discordance Axis - "The Inalienable Dreamless"
Avail - "Dixie"
Protest The Hero - "Kezia"
MATH - "Yumi" digital single
Mac Miller - "GO:OD AM"
The NewNo2 - "You Are Here"
Animosity - "Empires"
Static-X - "Machine"
Incendiary - "Crusade"
Angry Samoans - "Queer Pills" EP
A$AP Rocky - "At.Long.Last"
Green Velvet & Carl Craig - "Unity"
Richie Ramone - "Entitled"
Cartel - "The Ransom"
The Kills - "No Wow"
Coyote Kisses - "Acid Wolfpack" EP
Coheed & Cambria - "The Second Stage Turbine Blade"
Twenty-One Pilots - S/T
Tale Of Us - "Another Earth" EP
Glassjaw - "Coloring Book"
Redd Kross - "Born Innocent"
Protest The Hero - "Kezia"
Protest The Hero - "Fortress"
Fishbone - "Inttrinsically Intertwined"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
The Gravitys - "Bring You Down"
Happy In Hemet - "Hush"
Autopsy - "Severed Survival"
Deceive - "Arrival of the Dark Masters" EP
Battlecross - "Rise To Power"
The Life We Live - 5-song demo
Eagles Of Death Metal - "Peace, Love, and Death Metal"
Jane's Addiction - "Ritual de lo Habitual"
Osker - "Treatment 5"
Make Do And Men - "Don't Be Long"
Drive Like Jehu - S/T
Stick Together - S/T
From Autumn To Ashes - "The Fiction We Live"
The Faction - "Collection 1982-1985"
Dream Theater - "Systematic Chaos"
Wisdom In Chains - "The God Rhythm"
Discharge - "Decontrol" EP
Lakeside - "Galactic Grooves: The Best Of"
Rocket From The Crypt - "Scream, Dracula, Scream!"
XTC - "Fossil Fuel: Singles 1977-1992" Disc 1
Thursday - "Full Collapse"
Earth Crisis - "Destroy The Machines"
Tool - "10,000 Days"
Tha Dogg Pound with Snoop Dogg - "That's My Work Vol. 5" mixtape
V/A - "F.I.M.P.: Ohio 2"
Hounds - Demo 2015
Protest The Hero - "A Calculated Use Of Sound" EP
Peelander-Z - "Metalander-Z"
Cartel - "Chroma"
David Gilmour - "Rattle That Lock"
Xibalba - S/T
Ben Howard - "I Forget Where We Were"
Angry Samoans - "Back From Samoa"
Davi - "The Gates Of Babylon" b/w "Eclipse" digital single
Naked Raygun - "Throb Throb"
Burn The Priest - S/T
Animosity - "Animal"
Adam Sandler - "They're All Gonna Laugh At You"
Sleeping With Sirens - "Madness"
Ajja & Cosmosis - "The Alien Jams: Live at the HR Giger Museum"
Autopsy - "Retribution for the Dead" EP
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes - S/T
Action Bronson - "Dr. Lecter"
Dashboard Confessional - "The Swiss Army Romance"
Redd Kross - "Teen Babes From Monsanto"
Bouncing Souls - "How I Spent My Summer Vacation"
Hooded Menace/Loss - "A View From The Rope" split 12"
Six Feet Under - "Crypt of the Devil"
Still Remains - "Of Love And Lunacy"
The Gravitys - "Bring You Down"
Lumpy & The Dumpers - "Total Punk" 7"
Del The Funky Homosapien - "Future Development"
Clutch - S/T
Ministry - "The Land of Rape and Honey"
Rich Aucion - "Ephemeral"
The Church - "El Momento Descuidado" acoustic album
Hudson Mohawke - "Satin Panthers" EP
Discharge - "Fight Back" EP
Client - "Trap" 8" flexi
Stereomud - "Every Given Moment"
Suffocation - "Pierced From Within"
Secret Machines - S/T
Zero Progress - "Champions of Hardcore"
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - "Mongrel"
Neil Hamburger - "Hot February Night"
Soilwork - "Natural Born Chaos"
Disturbed - "Immortalized"
Crime Desire - "Your Power"
I Am Cassettes - "Believe" digital single
Peace Corpse - "Quincy's Lament" EP
A New Found Glory - "It's All About The Girls" EP
Youth Lagoon - "Savage Hills Ballroom"
Boogie Down Productions - "Criminal Minded"
Dropkick Murphys - "The Meanest of Times"
Cannabis Corpse - "Blunted at Birth"
Echosmith - "Acoustic Dreams" EP
Francesca Lombardi - "Perseidi" 12"
Angry Samoans - "Yesterday Started Tomorrow
Dead Kennedys - "Plastic Surgery Disasters"
Dead Kennedys - "In God We Trust, Inc."
Carbon Based Lifeforms - "Interloper"
Suicidal Tendencies - S/T
Lamb Of God - "New American Gospel"
BADBADNOTGOOD & Ghostface Killah - "Sour Soul"
Jimmy Eat World - "Bleed American"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: Jose Gonzalez, Orgone, Pure, BruceXCampbell, Zotz, The NewNo2, Deceive, Hounds, Ajja, Cosmosis, Hooded Menace, Neil Hamburger, Carbon Based Lifeforms
- I appreciate their importance in the early LA punk scene but I just cannot for the life of me get into The Skulls at all
- Jeez that new Metallica single fucking sucks
- Ironically, my problem with Too Short is that his songs are too damn long
- Worst of the month: The E-Regulars, Nate Ruess, Twenty-One Pilots, I Am Cassettes
- Don't stop living in the red.
- The fact that I listened to entire albums by Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Ja Rule, and Stereomud really shows you how poor my decision-making on the whole has been lately
- God I love Protest The Hero
- New albums by Mac Miller, A$AP Rocky, Happy In Hemet, and BADBADNOTGOOD & Ghostface Killah are all pretty tight
- I didn't really like Cartel back when they were kinda blowing up and now I fucking LOVE them
- I thought Eagles Of Death Metal were gonna be alot doper ; very underwhelming
- Lakeside is without a doubt, indisputably, the dopest pirate/gypsy/other Halloween character-themed RnB band there ever was and I doubt anyone will ever even challenge their title
- "If Nigel says he's happy, he must be happy, he must be happy in his work..."
- That Adam Sandler album is so gratingly bad, how did that begin a media empire?
- Who is Clutch's fanbase? I can't see the appeal at all
9/1/15: "RoboCop"
9/2/15: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
9/3/15: "Dead Hands Dig Deep" rough cut 4
9/5/15: "Bill Burr: I'm Sorry You Feel That Way"
"Bill Burr: You People Are All The Same"
"World's Greatest Dad"
9/6/15: "Fat Kid Rules The World"
"White God"
9/7/15: "Monster Squad"
"Full Metal Jacket"
9/9/15: "Romper Stomper"
9/10/15: FINISHED "Orange Is The New Black" Season 3
9/12/15: "Bruce Almighty"
"Dead Hands Dig Deep" rough cut 5
9/14/15: "Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World"
9/15/15: "Big Trouble In Little China"
9/16/15: "Time Lapse"
9/18/15: "Dear White People"
9/19/15: "Zathura"
9/20/15: "Moonrise Kingdom"
9/22/15: "Masters Of The Universe"
FINISHED "South Park" Season 18
9/23/15: "Hackers"
9/25/15: "Kung Fu Killer"
9/27/15: "Skin Trade"
9/29/15: "The Road Within"
- Why did I watch so many movies based on toys this month?
- Neither the new RoboCop nor the new TMNT were nearly as awful as I expected, but that's not necessarily saying they were very good either
- I have my own reservations about how the Edwin documentary has turned out but they're minor and the newest cut especially was really good...Dead Hands Dig Deep.
- Wow "World's Greatest Dad" really is a fucked up movie
- A good friend of mine who's unfortunately addicted to heroin often lists "Trainspotting" as one of his favorite movies and it's just such a horrifying film at times that I cannot understand how it would be appealing to him...But then again one of my favorite movies is "The Lost Weekend", so...
- The ending of "Jumanji" presents a terrifying version of time travel in my opinion and I'm gonna write a gritty reboot based on my observations
- That dog in "White God" is the best actor of the year, I just wonder how they got that out of him its amazing
- "Time Lapse" is a stupid concept with terrible acting and I highly recommend not wasting your time on it
- Despite its somewhat inflammatory title, "Dear White People" has a bit more to do with divisions within black communities...If you're a racist though I'm sure you won't pick up on that
- After watching "Zathura" I was pissed at how much its story was the same as "Jumanji" so I looked up reviews and shit to confirm my outrage and it turns out both are based on books by the same author, which transfers my outrage to him for copying himself to such financial success
- "Moonrise Kingdom" was okay I guess, and I know the following statement is gonna rub some of my good friends the wrong way, but Wes Anderson's style is way too cutesy and twee for me and it seems like all his movies follow a pretty standard "quirky" formula and I could stand not to see another one
- TRIGGER WARNING: I really enjoy the new PC Principal character on "South Park."
- "Hackers" has got to be one of the most unintentionally hilarious movies of the 1990s and there were a lot of those made in that decade
- "Skin Trade" is like Dolph Lundgren's pet project making him Liam Neeson from "Taken" for all captured sex slaves in Asia
9/3/15: Destruction Unit/Gag/White Wards/The Coltranes/Health Problems @ Allen Francis Theatre
9/4/15: Culture Abuse/The Coltranes/Stressors/Drag Me Under/Mohicans @ 924 Gilman St (Resurrect Cali Fest Day 1)
- That was a fun trip. Pies 4 life.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Playlist for August 2015
This is a list of all the albums, EPs, demos, singles, etc. that I listened to in their entirety during the month of August 2015, followed by lists of the stuff I watched, read, and saw live; my notes regarding all follow each list. Enjoy.
Coalesce - "Salt & Passage" EP
Damnear Divine - 3-song demo CD
Meshuggah - "I" CD
Black Stone Cherry - "Hits, Rarities, and Live"
Alpha & Omega - "No Rest No Peace"
The Fall Of Troy - "Ghostship" EP
Savatage - "Hall Of The Mountain King"
The Cure/Dinosaur Jr. - "Just Like Heaven" split 7"
Gary Clark Jr. - "Black & Blu"
Smut Peddlers - "Freedom"
The Avener - "Wanderings Of The Avener"
The Sonics - "This Is The Sonics"
Nails - "Among the Arches of Intolerance" b/w "In Pain" 7"
The Polish Ambassador - "Pushing Through The Pavement"
Babes In Toyland - "Fontanelle"
Gold Panda - "Lucky Shiner"
P.O.D. - "SoCal Sessions"
Death Cab For Cutie - "Kintsugi"
Flogging Molly - "Drunken Lullabies"
The Teen Idles - "Minor Disturbance" EP
Youth Brigade - "Possible" EP
Hypocrisy - S/T
Regurgitate - "Effortless Regurgitation of Bright Red Blood"
Ground Up - 2008 4-song demo
Nosaj Thing - "Fated"
Blacklisted - "When People Grow, People Go"
TV On The Radio - "Seeds"
Down To Nothing - "The Most"
La Sera - "Hour of the Dawn"
Larry & His Flask - "Gutted"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
The Arade Fire - "Reflektor"
The Chemical Brothers - "Electronic Battle Weapon 11" digital single
The Stooges - "Fun House"
The Black Box Revelation - "High on a Wire" digital single
Tidemouth - "Velvet & Stone"
3Lau & Nom De Strip ft. Estelle - "The Night" digital single
Crime In Stereo - "The Troubled Stateside"
The Movielife - "Forty Hour Train Back To Penn"
The Get-Up Kids - "Something To Write Home About"
Bad Religion - "The Empire Strikes First"
Coalesce - "Ox"
Morbosidad - "Muerte de Cristo en Golgota"
Bring Me The Horizon - "Throne"/"Happy Song" digital single
Bastille - "Oblivion" 7"
Power Trip - "Armageddon Blues" EP
Grimes ft. Blood Diamonds - "Go" digital single
Girl Talk - "All Day"
Girl Talk - "Night Ripper"
Markus Schulz - "Toronto '09" Disc 1
Tomahawk - "Mit Gas"
Craic Haus - "Who's Yer Paddy Now?"
July Talk - "Summer Dress" EP
Robyn & La Bagatelle Magique - "Set Me Free" digital single
Systematic Abuse - "Murder for Hire" 7"
Reflection Eternal - "Train Of Thought"
Surf Curse - "Sad Boys" EP
Bloody Death Skull - "Space Age Sock Hop" EP
The Empire Shall Fall - "Awaken"
Refused - "Freedom"
Chelsea Wolfe - "Abyss"
The Wonder Years - "The Greatest Generation"
NASA Space Universe - "Across The Wounded Galaxies"
The F.U.'s - "Kill For Christ" EP
Saosin - S/T
Wretched Philiproy - Demo
Fortunate Youth - "Don't Think Twice"
Basement Jaxx - "Remedy"
Larry & His Flask - S/T EP
George Harrison - "All Things Must Pass" Disc 2
RL Grime - "Void"
Diat - "Everyday" b/w "Hinge and Bracket" 7"
From A Second Story Window - "Delenda"
Crisis - "No Town Hall" EP
Sever - "Fuck'em All, Kill Everything" demo
Clinic - "Walking With Thee"
Cold Cave - "Doom Doom Doom" digital single
Dwight Yoakam - "Second Hand Heart"
HVOB - "Trialog"
Dirty Filthy Mugs - "Drinks on Me" b/w "Crazy Phil" 7"
King Nine - Demo 2011
K-Os - "Atlantis: Hymns for Disco"
The Warriors - "Genuine Sense of Outrage"
The Acid - "Liminal"
The Weakerthans - "Fallow"
Deep Creep - "Hold Tight" b/w "Bees in the Basement" 7"
Kill The Noise & Tommy Trash - "Louder (ft. Rock City)" digital single
Beartooth - "Disgusting"
The Warriors - "War Is Hell"
Atmosphere - "The Lake Nokomis" maxi single
Kongos - "Lunatic"
Rush - "Fly By Night"
Clarity - "Stepping Stone (ft. Thomas Acosta from Barbarian)" digital single
Tokyo Police Club - "Forcefield"
Clarity - Demo 2011
Husker Du - "Zen Arcade"
Annie Mac - "Presents 2014" DJ Mix
Charles Bradley - "I Hope You Find The Good Life" b/w "Electric Victim" 12"
Alesso - "Forever"
Happy In Hemet - S/T EP
The F.U.'s - "My America"
Funeral Oration - "Say No To Life"
Failure - "The Heart Is A Monster"
Finch - "Back To Oblivion"
H2O - "FTTW"
Cannabis Corpse/Ghoul - "Splatterhash" split EP
Clinic - "Visitations"
Bouncing Souls - "Maniacal Laughter"
Tank - "This Means War"
Crisis - "White Youth" EP
Clutch/Lionize - "Run, John Barleycorn, Run"/"Ether Madness" split 7"
All Time Low - "Future Hearts"
Boston Strangler - "Fire"
Daft Punk ft. Julian Casablancas - "Instant Crush" digital single
Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - "Tyranny"
Joey Bada$$ - "Born Day" digital single
The Mahones - "The Hunger and the Fight (Pt. 1)"
Mr. Elevator & The Brain Hotel - "Nico & Her Psychedelic Subconscious"
Carousel Kings - "Unity"
Magrudergrind - "OWNED!" 7"
Hail The Sun - "POW! Right In The Kisser"
Shiner - "Starless"
Placebo - "Once More With Feeling: Singles 1996-2004"
Hum - "Downward Is Heavenward"
The Sword - "Age Of Winters"
Ill Bill - "Black Metal" mixtape
Casual Friday - S/T cassette
The War On Drugs - "Slave Ambient"
7 Seconds - "The Crew"
The Toasters - "The Best Of"
The First Step - "What We Know"
Desperate Living - "Vital Exhaustion" EP
Bane - "Don't Wait Up"
Die Antwoord - "Donker Mag"
Avenged Sevenfold - "Nightmare"
The F.U.'s - "Do We Really Want To Hurt You?"
Soulfly - "Archangel"
Rush - "2112"
The Silent Comedy - "Common Faults"
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - "Don't You Fake It"
No Warning - "Ill Blood"
The Crown - "Crowned In Terror"
Ben UFO - "Untitled" cassette
A.C. Slater - Demo CD
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
George Ezra - "Wanted On Voyage"
andhim - "Spayce" b/w "Domplatte" 12"
Battalion Of Saints - "The Second Coming"
Ibeyi - S/T
Arch Enemy - "Wages Of Sin"
Elle King - "Catch Us If You Can" digital single
The Dirty Dozen Brass Band - "Twenty Dozen"
Art Of Dying - S/T
Gwar - "Scumdogs of the Universe"
Thievery Corporation - "The Richest Man In Babylon"
Iration - "Automatic"
ACxDC - "Antichrist Demoncore"
Pixies - "At The BBC"
St. Lucia - "When The Night"
Gorgon City - "Sirens (Remixes)"
Mouthful Of Snow - "[EPHEMERA]"
Magrudergrind - "Religious Baffle" MCD
Jean-Michel Jarre & Armin Van Buuren - "Stardust" digital single
Adair - "The Destruction of Everything is the Beginning of Something New"
NOFX - "Backstage Passport" soundtrack
Crisis - "Alienation" b/w "Bruckwood Hospital" 7"
Xibalba - "Hasta la Muerte"
Trivium - "Shogun"
Panic! At The Disco - "Pretty Odd"
Bright Eyes - "Every Day & Every Night" EP
No Tolerance - "Discography" LP
Camera Obscura - "4AD Sessions" EP
Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas - "Deceptacon" b/w "Don't Take My Man To Idaho" 7"
7 Seconds - "Walk Together, Rock Together"
Young Dubliners - "Saints and Sinners"
Pouya - "Baby Bone" EP
The Glory - demo CD
August Burns Red - "Constellations"
Catch-22 - "Keasbey Nights"
STS9 - "When The Dust Settles" EP
Dan Deacon - "Gliss Riffer"
Finntroll - "Nattfodd"
This Is Hell - "Misfortunes"
Ruptures - "DECA" EP
Dennis Most & The Instigators - "Instigate Me!"
Pendulum - "Greatest Hits"
The Waterboys - "The Whole Of The Moon: The Music of Mike Scott & The Waterboys"
Tarantula Hawk - S/T
Against All Authority - "The Restoration of Chaos and Order"
Yes - "Fragile"
Underneath The Gun - "The Awakening"
I See Stars - "New Demons"
The Cure - "Seventeen Seconds"
Bad Cop/Bad Cop - "Not Sorry"
Magrudergrind - "Don't Support Humanitarian Aid Led By The Church" demo
The Sword - "High Country"
Peter Matthew Bauer - "Liberation!"
Violation - "Devoured"
Torche - S/T
Glass Animals - "Remixes" EP
Yung Lean - "Lavender" EP
Sage Emeralds - "DubCastles"
Courtaud & Bobtail - "My Love Who Never Was Will Never Be"
KiNK - "Fantasia" b/w "Fantasia (Truncate remix)" digital single
Garbage - "Version 2.0"
True Rivals - "The Revenant"
Retaliate - "We Are One"
Bright Eyes - "Drunk Kid Catholic" EP
Built To Spill - "There's Nothing Wrong With Love"
Grace Love & The True Loves - "Fire" b/w "Say What You Gotta Say" 7"
Haywyre - "Insight" digital single
Faith No More - "The Real Thing"
7 Seconds - "New Wind"
This Is Hell - "Misfortunes"
Pennywise - "About Time"
George Thorogood & The Destroyers - "Boys Of Rock: Greatest Hits"
The B-52's - "Cosmic Thing"
NASA Space Universe - "Across The Wounded Galaxies"
Germ - "Dream" EP
Metric - "The Shade" EP
The Damned - "Go! -45" compilation LP
James Taylor - "The Best Of"
Tarantula Hawk - "Burrow"
Underneath The Gun - "Forfeit Misfortunes"
Fissure - S/T EP
Impact - "Punk Christmas" EP
Robert DeLong - "The Long Way Down" EP
V/A - "The Jacknife Tape Vol. 1"
Underworld Vs. Heller & Farley/Vs. The Misterons - "Baby Wants To Ride" digital single
Xpulsion - "Collective Evil" digital single
Bassnectar - "Into the Sun"
Greek Fire - "Deus Ex Machina"
Goldfinger - S/T
Ritual Necromancy - "Void Manifest" EP
Voivod/At The Gates - "We Are Connected"/"Language of the Dead" split 7"
Neck Deep - "Life's Not Out To Get You"
Give - "Sonic Bloom" EP
Warpaint - "No Way Out"/"I'll Start Believing" EP
Flatfoot 56 - "Toil"
I See Stars - "Digital Renegade"
Graveworm - "Engraved in Black"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: The Avener, Babes In Toyland, La Sera, Morbosidad, Boston Strangler, Shiner, St. Lucia, Peter Matthew Bauer, Crossface, Bad Times Crew, Vitality, Sawdust, Spinebreaker, Ritual Necromancy, Give
- New albums by Death Cab, TV On The Radio, The Arcade Fire, Refused, Chelsea Wolfe, Finch, Bassnectar are all solid
- Worst of the month: The Black Box Revelation, Bastille, July Talk, Sever, The Silent Comedy, Elle King, Art Of Dying, Greek Fire
- That new Bring Me The Horizon single is fucking terrible, I liked them better when they were lame-ass deathcore
- Reflection Eternal isn't very dope at all
- The Clarity from Washington is doper than the Clarity from Texas but not by a whole lot
- I like the remixed version of that Gorgon City album more than the normal version of the album
- I guess NOFX has like a web show and they did their own soundtrack for it, and a bunch of the songs make jokes about how they suck nowadays, but the joke isn't funny because NOFX legitimately sucks nowadays
- That second Panic! album is goddamn terrible
- Man Underneath The Gun was way worse than I remembered
- I don't like the direction The Sword has begun to take on this new album
8/1/15: "Arnez J: Racially Motivated"
"The Warriors"
"Women Who Kill"
8/2/15: "Wet Hot American Summer"
"Jen Kirkman: I'm Gonna Die Alone (And I Feel Fine)"
8/3/15: "An Honest Liar"
FINISHED: "Mad Men" Season 3
8/4/15: "Bill Burr: I'm Sorry You Feel That Way"
8/5/15: "The Skeleton Twins"
8/6/15: "Staten Island Summer"
8/7/15: "Gary Gulman: In This Economy?"
8/8/15: "Interview With The Vampire"
"John Mulaney: New In Town"
8/9/15: "The Master"
"Joe Rogan Live"
8/10/15: "Chronic-Con Episode 420: A New Dope"
8/11/15: "Chris Porter: Ugly and Angry"
"Welcome To Me"
8/12/15: FINISHED: "Orange Is The New Black" Season 2
"Donald Glover: Weirdo"
"Kill Me Three Times"
8/14/15: "Mike Birbiglia: My Girlfriend's Boyfriend"
8/15/15: "Demetri Martin Live"
8/18/15: "Good Will Hunting"
"Colin Quinn: Unconstitutional"
8/19/15: "Motivation 2: The Chris Cole Story"
8/20/15: "Moshe Kasher: Live In Oakland"
8/21/15: FINISHED "Bob's Burgers" Season 2
"Jim Norton: American Degenerate"
8/22/15: "This Is 40"
"Todd Glass Stand-Up Special"
8/23/15: "Serpico"
"Mike Birbiglia: What I Should Have Said"
8/24/15: "Chinatown"
"Bo Burnham: what."
8/25/15: "Crystal Fairy & The Magical Cactus"
"Patton Oswalt: Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time"
8/26/15: "Star Trek: Into Darkness"
"Dave Chappelle: For What It's Worth"
"Apocalypse Now"
8/28/15: FINISHED: "Mad Men" Season 4
"Full Metal Jacket"
8/30/15: "Josh Blue: Sticky Change"
8/31/15: "Brian Posehn: The Fartist"
- That was the first time I had ever seen "The Warriors" and it was even cheesier than I had expected
- I cannot recommend "An Honest Liar" really made me think.
- "Staten Island Summer" was like the weakest ripoff of "Superbad" I can imagine, highly not recommended
- "Interview With The Vampire" was way doper AND way more homoerotic than I expected it to be
- Doug Benson is just so desperate, he makes me ashamed to be a pothead
- Chris Porter and Josh Blue are probably the worst stand-up comedians I've ever seen and they're both kinda that they fuckin suck
- That new "Hercules" movie with The Rock as Hercules is fucking HILARIOUS I don't think I've laughed so hard in a good minute...Fool bodyslams a fucking horse it's absolutely ridiculous
- "Chinatown" deserves its legacy as one of the all-time greats, especially the ending....just damn. Same thing goes for "Apocalypse Now" but in entirely different ways.
- "Crystal Fairy..." was like the most pointless movie I've ever seen, just awful
8/15/15: Deap Valley/HOT TTP/Media Jeweler/The Maximizers/Wax Idols @ Echo Park Rising
- Echo Park Rising was cool but me and Miller showed up way too late and Miller was fucking wasted. Sam from Media Jeweler gave me a shout-out during their set. "Kiss that horse. Pucker up. Just kiss that horse."
8/19/15: Echo Park Rising 2015 guide/zine
8/29/15: "Urinetown" presented by the Barn Stage Company
- "Some people don't like to be told that their way of life is unsustainable."
Coalesce - "Salt & Passage" EP
Damnear Divine - 3-song demo CD
Meshuggah - "I" CD
Black Stone Cherry - "Hits, Rarities, and Live"
Alpha & Omega - "No Rest No Peace"
The Fall Of Troy - "Ghostship" EP
Savatage - "Hall Of The Mountain King"
The Cure/Dinosaur Jr. - "Just Like Heaven" split 7"
Gary Clark Jr. - "Black & Blu"
Smut Peddlers - "Freedom"
The Avener - "Wanderings Of The Avener"
The Sonics - "This Is The Sonics"
Nails - "Among the Arches of Intolerance" b/w "In Pain" 7"
The Polish Ambassador - "Pushing Through The Pavement"
Babes In Toyland - "Fontanelle"
Gold Panda - "Lucky Shiner"
P.O.D. - "SoCal Sessions"
Death Cab For Cutie - "Kintsugi"
Flogging Molly - "Drunken Lullabies"
The Teen Idles - "Minor Disturbance" EP
Youth Brigade - "Possible" EP
Hypocrisy - S/T
Regurgitate - "Effortless Regurgitation of Bright Red Blood"
Ground Up - 2008 4-song demo
Nosaj Thing - "Fated"
Blacklisted - "When People Grow, People Go"
TV On The Radio - "Seeds"
Down To Nothing - "The Most"
La Sera - "Hour of the Dawn"
Larry & His Flask - "Gutted"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
The Arade Fire - "Reflektor"
The Chemical Brothers - "Electronic Battle Weapon 11" digital single
The Stooges - "Fun House"
The Black Box Revelation - "High on a Wire" digital single
Tidemouth - "Velvet & Stone"
3Lau & Nom De Strip ft. Estelle - "The Night" digital single
Crime In Stereo - "The Troubled Stateside"
The Movielife - "Forty Hour Train Back To Penn"
The Get-Up Kids - "Something To Write Home About"
Bad Religion - "The Empire Strikes First"
Coalesce - "Ox"
Morbosidad - "Muerte de Cristo en Golgota"
Bring Me The Horizon - "Throne"/"Happy Song" digital single
Bastille - "Oblivion" 7"
Power Trip - "Armageddon Blues" EP
Grimes ft. Blood Diamonds - "Go" digital single
Girl Talk - "All Day"
Girl Talk - "Night Ripper"
Markus Schulz - "Toronto '09" Disc 1
Tomahawk - "Mit Gas"
Craic Haus - "Who's Yer Paddy Now?"
July Talk - "Summer Dress" EP
Robyn & La Bagatelle Magique - "Set Me Free" digital single
Systematic Abuse - "Murder for Hire" 7"
Reflection Eternal - "Train Of Thought"
Surf Curse - "Sad Boys" EP
Bloody Death Skull - "Space Age Sock Hop" EP
The Empire Shall Fall - "Awaken"
Refused - "Freedom"
Chelsea Wolfe - "Abyss"
The Wonder Years - "The Greatest Generation"
NASA Space Universe - "Across The Wounded Galaxies"
The F.U.'s - "Kill For Christ" EP
Saosin - S/T
Wretched Philiproy - Demo
Fortunate Youth - "Don't Think Twice"
Basement Jaxx - "Remedy"
Larry & His Flask - S/T EP
George Harrison - "All Things Must Pass" Disc 2
RL Grime - "Void"
Diat - "Everyday" b/w "Hinge and Bracket" 7"
From A Second Story Window - "Delenda"
Crisis - "No Town Hall" EP
Sever - "Fuck'em All, Kill Everything" demo
Clinic - "Walking With Thee"
Cold Cave - "Doom Doom Doom" digital single
Dwight Yoakam - "Second Hand Heart"
HVOB - "Trialog"
Dirty Filthy Mugs - "Drinks on Me" b/w "Crazy Phil" 7"
King Nine - Demo 2011
K-Os - "Atlantis: Hymns for Disco"
The Warriors - "Genuine Sense of Outrage"
The Acid - "Liminal"
The Weakerthans - "Fallow"
Deep Creep - "Hold Tight" b/w "Bees in the Basement" 7"
Kill The Noise & Tommy Trash - "Louder (ft. Rock City)" digital single
Beartooth - "Disgusting"
The Warriors - "War Is Hell"
Atmosphere - "The Lake Nokomis" maxi single
Kongos - "Lunatic"
Rush - "Fly By Night"
Clarity - "Stepping Stone (ft. Thomas Acosta from Barbarian)" digital single
Tokyo Police Club - "Forcefield"
Clarity - Demo 2011
Husker Du - "Zen Arcade"
Annie Mac - "Presents 2014" DJ Mix
Charles Bradley - "I Hope You Find The Good Life" b/w "Electric Victim" 12"
Alesso - "Forever"
Happy In Hemet - S/T EP
The F.U.'s - "My America"
Funeral Oration - "Say No To Life"
Failure - "The Heart Is A Monster"
Finch - "Back To Oblivion"
H2O - "FTTW"
Cannabis Corpse/Ghoul - "Splatterhash" split EP
Clinic - "Visitations"
Bouncing Souls - "Maniacal Laughter"
Tank - "This Means War"
Crisis - "White Youth" EP
Clutch/Lionize - "Run, John Barleycorn, Run"/"Ether Madness" split 7"
All Time Low - "Future Hearts"
Boston Strangler - "Fire"
Daft Punk ft. Julian Casablancas - "Instant Crush" digital single
Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - "Tyranny"
Joey Bada$$ - "Born Day" digital single
The Mahones - "The Hunger and the Fight (Pt. 1)"
Mr. Elevator & The Brain Hotel - "Nico & Her Psychedelic Subconscious"
Carousel Kings - "Unity"
Magrudergrind - "OWNED!" 7"
Hail The Sun - "POW! Right In The Kisser"
Shiner - "Starless"
Placebo - "Once More With Feeling: Singles 1996-2004"
Hum - "Downward Is Heavenward"
The Sword - "Age Of Winters"
Ill Bill - "Black Metal" mixtape
Casual Friday - S/T cassette
The War On Drugs - "Slave Ambient"
7 Seconds - "The Crew"
The Toasters - "The Best Of"
The First Step - "What We Know"
Desperate Living - "Vital Exhaustion" EP
Bane - "Don't Wait Up"
Die Antwoord - "Donker Mag"
Avenged Sevenfold - "Nightmare"
The F.U.'s - "Do We Really Want To Hurt You?"
Soulfly - "Archangel"
Rush - "2112"
The Silent Comedy - "Common Faults"
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - "Don't You Fake It"
No Warning - "Ill Blood"
The Crown - "Crowned In Terror"
Ben UFO - "Untitled" cassette
A.C. Slater - Demo CD
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
George Ezra - "Wanted On Voyage"
andhim - "Spayce" b/w "Domplatte" 12"
Battalion Of Saints - "The Second Coming"
Ibeyi - S/T
Arch Enemy - "Wages Of Sin"
Elle King - "Catch Us If You Can" digital single
The Dirty Dozen Brass Band - "Twenty Dozen"
Art Of Dying - S/T
Gwar - "Scumdogs of the Universe"
Thievery Corporation - "The Richest Man In Babylon"
Iration - "Automatic"
ACxDC - "Antichrist Demoncore"
Pixies - "At The BBC"
St. Lucia - "When The Night"
Gorgon City - "Sirens (Remixes)"
Mouthful Of Snow - "[EPHEMERA]"
Magrudergrind - "Religious Baffle" MCD
Jean-Michel Jarre & Armin Van Buuren - "Stardust" digital single
Adair - "The Destruction of Everything is the Beginning of Something New"
NOFX - "Backstage Passport" soundtrack
Crisis - "Alienation" b/w "Bruckwood Hospital" 7"
Xibalba - "Hasta la Muerte"
Trivium - "Shogun"
Panic! At The Disco - "Pretty Odd"
Bright Eyes - "Every Day & Every Night" EP
No Tolerance - "Discography" LP
Camera Obscura - "4AD Sessions" EP
Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas - "Deceptacon" b/w "Don't Take My Man To Idaho" 7"
7 Seconds - "Walk Together, Rock Together"
Young Dubliners - "Saints and Sinners"
Pouya - "Baby Bone" EP
The Glory - demo CD
August Burns Red - "Constellations"
Catch-22 - "Keasbey Nights"
STS9 - "When The Dust Settles" EP
Dan Deacon - "Gliss Riffer"
Finntroll - "Nattfodd"
This Is Hell - "Misfortunes"
Ruptures - "DECA" EP
Dennis Most & The Instigators - "Instigate Me!"
Pendulum - "Greatest Hits"
The Waterboys - "The Whole Of The Moon: The Music of Mike Scott & The Waterboys"
Tarantula Hawk - S/T
Against All Authority - "The Restoration of Chaos and Order"
Yes - "Fragile"
Underneath The Gun - "The Awakening"
I See Stars - "New Demons"
The Cure - "Seventeen Seconds"
Bad Cop/Bad Cop - "Not Sorry"
Magrudergrind - "Don't Support Humanitarian Aid Led By The Church" demo
The Sword - "High Country"
Peter Matthew Bauer - "Liberation!"
Violation - "Devoured"
Torche - S/T
Glass Animals - "Remixes" EP
Yung Lean - "Lavender" EP
Sage Emeralds - "DubCastles"
Courtaud & Bobtail - "My Love Who Never Was Will Never Be"
KiNK - "Fantasia" b/w "Fantasia (Truncate remix)" digital single
Garbage - "Version 2.0"
True Rivals - "The Revenant"
Retaliate - "We Are One"
Bright Eyes - "Drunk Kid Catholic" EP
Built To Spill - "There's Nothing Wrong With Love"
Grace Love & The True Loves - "Fire" b/w "Say What You Gotta Say" 7"
Haywyre - "Insight" digital single
Faith No More - "The Real Thing"
7 Seconds - "New Wind"
This Is Hell - "Misfortunes"
Pennywise - "About Time"
George Thorogood & The Destroyers - "Boys Of Rock: Greatest Hits"
The B-52's - "Cosmic Thing"
NASA Space Universe - "Across The Wounded Galaxies"
Germ - "Dream" EP
Metric - "The Shade" EP
The Damned - "Go! -45" compilation LP
James Taylor - "The Best Of"
Tarantula Hawk - "Burrow"
Underneath The Gun - "Forfeit Misfortunes"
Fissure - S/T EP
Impact - "Punk Christmas" EP
Robert DeLong - "The Long Way Down" EP
V/A - "The Jacknife Tape Vol. 1"
Underworld Vs. Heller & Farley/Vs. The Misterons - "Baby Wants To Ride" digital single
Xpulsion - "Collective Evil" digital single
Bassnectar - "Into the Sun"
Greek Fire - "Deus Ex Machina"
Goldfinger - S/T
Ritual Necromancy - "Void Manifest" EP
Voivod/At The Gates - "We Are Connected"/"Language of the Dead" split 7"
Neck Deep - "Life's Not Out To Get You"
Give - "Sonic Bloom" EP
Warpaint - "No Way Out"/"I'll Start Believing" EP
Flatfoot 56 - "Toil"
I See Stars - "Digital Renegade"
Graveworm - "Engraved in Black"
- Favorite "new finds" of the month: The Avener, Babes In Toyland, La Sera, Morbosidad, Boston Strangler, Shiner, St. Lucia, Peter Matthew Bauer, Crossface, Bad Times Crew, Vitality, Sawdust, Spinebreaker, Ritual Necromancy, Give
- New albums by Death Cab, TV On The Radio, The Arcade Fire, Refused, Chelsea Wolfe, Finch, Bassnectar are all solid
- Worst of the month: The Black Box Revelation, Bastille, July Talk, Sever, The Silent Comedy, Elle King, Art Of Dying, Greek Fire
- That new Bring Me The Horizon single is fucking terrible, I liked them better when they were lame-ass deathcore
- Reflection Eternal isn't very dope at all
- The Clarity from Washington is doper than the Clarity from Texas but not by a whole lot
- I like the remixed version of that Gorgon City album more than the normal version of the album
- I guess NOFX has like a web show and they did their own soundtrack for it, and a bunch of the songs make jokes about how they suck nowadays, but the joke isn't funny because NOFX legitimately sucks nowadays
- That second Panic! album is goddamn terrible
- Man Underneath The Gun was way worse than I remembered
- I don't like the direction The Sword has begun to take on this new album
8/1/15: "Arnez J: Racially Motivated"
"The Warriors"
"Women Who Kill"
8/2/15: "Wet Hot American Summer"
"Jen Kirkman: I'm Gonna Die Alone (And I Feel Fine)"
8/3/15: "An Honest Liar"
FINISHED: "Mad Men" Season 3
8/4/15: "Bill Burr: I'm Sorry You Feel That Way"
8/5/15: "The Skeleton Twins"
8/6/15: "Staten Island Summer"
8/7/15: "Gary Gulman: In This Economy?"
8/8/15: "Interview With The Vampire"
"John Mulaney: New In Town"
8/9/15: "The Master"
"Joe Rogan Live"
8/10/15: "Chronic-Con Episode 420: A New Dope"
8/11/15: "Chris Porter: Ugly and Angry"
"Welcome To Me"
8/12/15: FINISHED: "Orange Is The New Black" Season 2
"Donald Glover: Weirdo"
"Kill Me Three Times"
8/14/15: "Mike Birbiglia: My Girlfriend's Boyfriend"
8/15/15: "Demetri Martin Live"
8/18/15: "Good Will Hunting"
"Colin Quinn: Unconstitutional"
8/19/15: "Motivation 2: The Chris Cole Story"
8/20/15: "Moshe Kasher: Live In Oakland"
8/21/15: FINISHED "Bob's Burgers" Season 2
"Jim Norton: American Degenerate"
8/22/15: "This Is 40"
"Todd Glass Stand-Up Special"
8/23/15: "Serpico"
"Mike Birbiglia: What I Should Have Said"
8/24/15: "Chinatown"
"Bo Burnham: what."
8/25/15: "Crystal Fairy & The Magical Cactus"
"Patton Oswalt: Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time"
8/26/15: "Star Trek: Into Darkness"
"Dave Chappelle: For What It's Worth"
"Apocalypse Now"
8/28/15: FINISHED: "Mad Men" Season 4
"Full Metal Jacket"
8/30/15: "Josh Blue: Sticky Change"
8/31/15: "Brian Posehn: The Fartist"
- That was the first time I had ever seen "The Warriors" and it was even cheesier than I had expected
- I cannot recommend "An Honest Liar" really made me think.
- "Staten Island Summer" was like the weakest ripoff of "Superbad" I can imagine, highly not recommended
- "Interview With The Vampire" was way doper AND way more homoerotic than I expected it to be
- Doug Benson is just so desperate, he makes me ashamed to be a pothead
- Chris Porter and Josh Blue are probably the worst stand-up comedians I've ever seen and they're both kinda that they fuckin suck
- That new "Hercules" movie with The Rock as Hercules is fucking HILARIOUS I don't think I've laughed so hard in a good minute...Fool bodyslams a fucking horse it's absolutely ridiculous
- "Chinatown" deserves its legacy as one of the all-time greats, especially the ending....just damn. Same thing goes for "Apocalypse Now" but in entirely different ways.
- "Crystal Fairy..." was like the most pointless movie I've ever seen, just awful
8/15/15: Deap Valley/HOT TTP/Media Jeweler/The Maximizers/Wax Idols @ Echo Park Rising
- Echo Park Rising was cool but me and Miller showed up way too late and Miller was fucking wasted. Sam from Media Jeweler gave me a shout-out during their set. "Kiss that horse. Pucker up. Just kiss that horse."
8/19/15: Echo Park Rising 2015 guide/zine
8/29/15: "Urinetown" presented by the Barn Stage Company
- "Some people don't like to be told that their way of life is unsustainable."
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Playlist for July 2015
This is a list of all the albums, EPs, demos, singles, etc. that I listened to in their entirety during the month of July 2015. Afterwards are lists of the stuff I watched, read, and saw live, with notes regarding all. Enjoy.
Useless Eaters - "The Moves" EP
Hozier - S/T EP
Cannibal Corpse - "Tomb of the Mutilated"
Crisis Arm - "Part-Time Punks Session" EP
The Cramps - "Songs the Lord Taught Us"
Shojo Winter - "Eternal Snow" EP
Sound Tribe Sector 9 - "Artifact"
Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons - "Message From The Other Side"
Street Dogs/No!se - split 7"
Glassjaw - "Worship and Tribute"
Glassjaw - "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence"
At The Drive-In - "Relationship of Command"
Excel - "Split Image"
Justin Martin - "Ghettos & Gardens"
Left Astray - Demo 2015
The Gossip - "That's Not What I Heard"
Jethro Tull - "Stand Up"
All Out War - "Dying Gods" EP
Jehne Aiko - "Souled Out"
Gold Panda - "Clarke's Dream" digital single
Obsolete Sun - July 2015 demo
Black Veil Brides - "IV"
Duran Duran ft. Janelle Monae & Nile Rodgers - "Pressure Off" digital single
Tenacious D - S/T
The Cure - "Pornography"
Earl Sweatshirt - "I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside"
Breakdown - "Runnin' Scared" demotape
Brandon Flowers - "The Desired Effect"
Crime In Stereo - "Explosives and the Will to Use Them"
Terror - "Keepers of the Faith"
The Spits - "V"
Patti Smith - "Depravity (New York May 28th 1975)" live album
The Unseen - "So This Is Freedom?"
Missy Elliot - "Respect M.E." compilation CD
The Hickey Underworld - "III"
Skinslip - "Detachment" EP
The Fall Of Troy - "Doppelganger"
The Weakerthans - "Left and Leaving"
Da Tweekaz - "#Tweekay14 The Ultimate Collection"
The All-American Rejects - "Move Along"
Lagwagon/Swingin' Utters/Me First & The Gimme Gimmes - "Fat Music For Riot Fest People" 3-way split 7"
Sam Smith - "In the Lonely Hour"
Dead Infection/Parricide - "Looking For Victims"/"The Idealist" split
Orphan Crippler - "Amputated Remnants"
Agent 86 - "Scary Action" 7"
Problem//Reaction//Solution - "Police State Takeover" demo 05
Mastodon ft. Gibby Haynes - "Atlanta" digital single
Alice In Chains - "Dirt"
Mumford & Sons - "Wilder Mind"
Title Fight - "Floral Green"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Smashing Pumpkins - "Siamese Dream"
Type O Negative - "World Coming Down"
The Cramps - "Psychedelic Jungle"
The Growlers - "Chinese Fountain"
Jack U - "Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack U"
Gaelic Storm - "Full Irish: The Best Of"
Saves The Day - "Through Being Cool"
Ground Up - 2008 mastered demo
Taking Back Sunday - "Tell All Your Friends"
together PANGEA - "Badillac"
August Burns Red - "Found In Far Away Places"
Testament - "Practice What You Preach"
Eddie Cochran - "The Eddie Cochran Story" Boxset, Disc 1: "I'm Ready"
Adult Books - S/T 7"
Larry & His Flask - "Loud and Crowded" EP
The National - "Sunshine on My Back" digital single
The Gossip - "Arkansas Heat" EP
All That Remains - "The Order Of Things"
Felina - "On My Way" EP
Fates Warning - "Chasing Time" compilation CD
Motion City Soundtrack - "TKO" digital single
Stick Figure - "Burial Ground"
Van Morrison - "Astral Weeks"
The Devil Makes Three - "Dragging Chains" 7"
Ninos du Brasil - S/T cassette
The Glitch Mob - "Piece of the Indestructible" EP
Crime In Stereo - "The Contract" EP
Ott - "MMII" EP
Fear Factory - "Demanufacture: The Roadrunner 25th Anniversary Edition"
Mercer & 4B - "Bounce" digital single
Culture - "Born of You"
- I know this sounds weird but "Tomb Of The Mutilated" is like, comfort music to me
- "Inconvenient people"
- Favoite "new finds": Shojo Winter, The Hickey Underworld, Skinslip, Dead Infection, Parricide, Type O Negative, together PANGEA, Ninos du Brasil, Ott, Culture
- New Obsolete Sun stuff is dope as fuck
- How are Black Veil Brides so popular? It's mind-blowing, they suck
- That Brandon Flowers album is exactly as lame as I expected
- Patti Smith is overrated and I'm not ashamed to say it. Same goes for Missy Elliot.
- R.I.P. The Weakerthans
- From all the hype I thought that Sam Smith was gonna be hella dope but not so much
- I talk alot of shit but the new albums by Mumford & Sons and The Growlers are both ALOT better than I expected...but then again that's because I'm a hater
- Man I didn't realize how fucking dope Type O Negative is
- "Don't call my name out your window. I'm leaving."
- I know they're Christian, and hopefully anybody reading this already knows how I feel about that, but goddamn the new August Burns Red album is like the best metal album of the year
- Fear Factory never did much for me before but this time around I feel like I finally understand the appeal, and more than that, I really enjoyed it...I don't know what my issue with them had been before, maybe just bias against "nu-metal" which they kinda embodied at times in the late 90s but "Demanufacture" deserves its recognition as a classic.
7/1/15: "After Porn Ends"
7/7/15: "John Caparulo: Come Inside Me"
7/8/15: "Doug Stanhope: Beerhall Putsch"
"Dave Attell: Road Work"
"Greg Fitzsimmons: Life On Stage"
7/12/15: "The Babadook"
7/13/15: "Kettle Cadaver: A Taste Of Blood"
"The Blair Witch Project"
7/14/15: "Chris Tucker Live"
7/15/15: "Chef"
7/16/15: "Tom Papa: Freaked Out"
7/17/15: "Myq Kaplan: Small, Dark, and Handsome"
7/18/15: "Faults"
7/20/15: "Young and Handsome: An Evening With Jeff Garlin"
7/21/15: "My Bloody Valentine"
7/22/15: "Todd Barry: The Crowd Work Tour"
FINISHED: "Bob's Burgers" Season 1
7/23/15: "Bernie"
7/25/15: "Bill Burr: Let It Go"
"The Other One: The Long Strange Trip of Bob Weir"
7/26/15: "Creep"
"Eugene Mirman: Vegan On His Way to the Complain Store"
"They Came Together"
"Kettle Cadaver: A Taste Of Blood"
7/27/15: "Jim Norton: Contextually Inadequate"
7/29/15: "Russel Peters: Notorious"
7/30/15: "Jim Gaffigan: Mr. Universe"
7/31/15: "Teacher of the Year"
- "The Blair Witch Project" is pretty damn bad, in retrospect
- "Pi" is way more boring than I remembered
- My boy Miller had been trying to tell me about Bill Burr and I was hating but now he's like my favorite comic
- Peachfuzz
7/2/15: FINISHED "Death + Taxes" Mar/Apr 2010
7/15/15: FINISHED "Slingshot" Issue #88 Fall 2005
7/2/15: Life For A Life/Cool Side/Frustrated/Armless @ Dad's Den
- Sorry to everybody who was at that Cool Side show, I really pulled a Sam Patch on that one. For real, tho, it's not okay to crowd-bash but it's also not cool to attack other people at a hardcore show. I feel like we were both in the bad but I was kinda more in the bad and I'm sorry. Please don't attack me.
Useless Eaters - "The Moves" EP
Hozier - S/T EP
Cannibal Corpse - "Tomb of the Mutilated"
Crisis Arm - "Part-Time Punks Session" EP
The Cramps - "Songs the Lord Taught Us"
Shojo Winter - "Eternal Snow" EP
Sound Tribe Sector 9 - "Artifact"
Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons - "Message From The Other Side"
Street Dogs/No!se - split 7"
Glassjaw - "Worship and Tribute"
Glassjaw - "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence"
At The Drive-In - "Relationship of Command"
Excel - "Split Image"
Justin Martin - "Ghettos & Gardens"
Left Astray - Demo 2015
The Gossip - "That's Not What I Heard"
Jethro Tull - "Stand Up"
All Out War - "Dying Gods" EP
Jehne Aiko - "Souled Out"
Gold Panda - "Clarke's Dream" digital single
Obsolete Sun - July 2015 demo
Black Veil Brides - "IV"
Duran Duran ft. Janelle Monae & Nile Rodgers - "Pressure Off" digital single
Tenacious D - S/T
The Cure - "Pornography"
Earl Sweatshirt - "I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside"
Breakdown - "Runnin' Scared" demotape
Brandon Flowers - "The Desired Effect"
Crime In Stereo - "Explosives and the Will to Use Them"
Terror - "Keepers of the Faith"
The Spits - "V"
Patti Smith - "Depravity (New York May 28th 1975)" live album
The Unseen - "So This Is Freedom?"
Missy Elliot - "Respect M.E." compilation CD
The Hickey Underworld - "III"
Skinslip - "Detachment" EP
The Fall Of Troy - "Doppelganger"
The Weakerthans - "Left and Leaving"
Da Tweekaz - "#Tweekay14 The Ultimate Collection"
The All-American Rejects - "Move Along"
Lagwagon/Swingin' Utters/Me First & The Gimme Gimmes - "Fat Music For Riot Fest People" 3-way split 7"
Sam Smith - "In the Lonely Hour"
Dead Infection/Parricide - "Looking For Victims"/"The Idealist" split
Orphan Crippler - "Amputated Remnants"
Agent 86 - "Scary Action" 7"
Problem//Reaction//Solution - "Police State Takeover" demo 05
Mastodon ft. Gibby Haynes - "Atlanta" digital single
Alice In Chains - "Dirt"
Mumford & Sons - "Wilder Mind"
Title Fight - "Floral Green"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Smashing Pumpkins - "Siamese Dream"
Type O Negative - "World Coming Down"
The Cramps - "Psychedelic Jungle"
The Growlers - "Chinese Fountain"
Jack U - "Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack U"
Gaelic Storm - "Full Irish: The Best Of"
Saves The Day - "Through Being Cool"
Ground Up - 2008 mastered demo
Taking Back Sunday - "Tell All Your Friends"
together PANGEA - "Badillac"
August Burns Red - "Found In Far Away Places"
Testament - "Practice What You Preach"
Eddie Cochran - "The Eddie Cochran Story" Boxset, Disc 1: "I'm Ready"
Adult Books - S/T 7"
Larry & His Flask - "Loud and Crowded" EP
The National - "Sunshine on My Back" digital single
The Gossip - "Arkansas Heat" EP
All That Remains - "The Order Of Things"
Felina - "On My Way" EP
Fates Warning - "Chasing Time" compilation CD
Motion City Soundtrack - "TKO" digital single
Stick Figure - "Burial Ground"
Van Morrison - "Astral Weeks"
The Devil Makes Three - "Dragging Chains" 7"
Ninos du Brasil - S/T cassette
The Glitch Mob - "Piece of the Indestructible" EP
Crime In Stereo - "The Contract" EP
Ott - "MMII" EP
Fear Factory - "Demanufacture: The Roadrunner 25th Anniversary Edition"
Mercer & 4B - "Bounce" digital single
Culture - "Born of You"
- I know this sounds weird but "Tomb Of The Mutilated" is like, comfort music to me
- "Inconvenient people"
- Favoite "new finds": Shojo Winter, The Hickey Underworld, Skinslip, Dead Infection, Parricide, Type O Negative, together PANGEA, Ninos du Brasil, Ott, Culture
- New Obsolete Sun stuff is dope as fuck
- How are Black Veil Brides so popular? It's mind-blowing, they suck
- That Brandon Flowers album is exactly as lame as I expected
- Patti Smith is overrated and I'm not ashamed to say it. Same goes for Missy Elliot.
- R.I.P. The Weakerthans
- From all the hype I thought that Sam Smith was gonna be hella dope but not so much
- I talk alot of shit but the new albums by Mumford & Sons and The Growlers are both ALOT better than I expected...but then again that's because I'm a hater
- Man I didn't realize how fucking dope Type O Negative is
- "Don't call my name out your window. I'm leaving."
- I know they're Christian, and hopefully anybody reading this already knows how I feel about that, but goddamn the new August Burns Red album is like the best metal album of the year
- Fear Factory never did much for me before but this time around I feel like I finally understand the appeal, and more than that, I really enjoyed it...I don't know what my issue with them had been before, maybe just bias against "nu-metal" which they kinda embodied at times in the late 90s but "Demanufacture" deserves its recognition as a classic.
7/1/15: "After Porn Ends"
7/7/15: "John Caparulo: Come Inside Me"
7/8/15: "Doug Stanhope: Beerhall Putsch"
"Dave Attell: Road Work"
"Greg Fitzsimmons: Life On Stage"
7/12/15: "The Babadook"
7/13/15: "Kettle Cadaver: A Taste Of Blood"
"The Blair Witch Project"
7/14/15: "Chris Tucker Live"
7/15/15: "Chef"
7/16/15: "Tom Papa: Freaked Out"
7/17/15: "Myq Kaplan: Small, Dark, and Handsome"
7/18/15: "Faults"
7/20/15: "Young and Handsome: An Evening With Jeff Garlin"
7/21/15: "My Bloody Valentine"
7/22/15: "Todd Barry: The Crowd Work Tour"
FINISHED: "Bob's Burgers" Season 1
7/23/15: "Bernie"
7/25/15: "Bill Burr: Let It Go"
"The Other One: The Long Strange Trip of Bob Weir"
7/26/15: "Creep"
"Eugene Mirman: Vegan On His Way to the Complain Store"
"They Came Together"
"Kettle Cadaver: A Taste Of Blood"
7/27/15: "Jim Norton: Contextually Inadequate"
7/29/15: "Russel Peters: Notorious"
7/30/15: "Jim Gaffigan: Mr. Universe"
7/31/15: "Teacher of the Year"
- "The Blair Witch Project" is pretty damn bad, in retrospect
- "Pi" is way more boring than I remembered
- My boy Miller had been trying to tell me about Bill Burr and I was hating but now he's like my favorite comic
- Peachfuzz
7/2/15: FINISHED "Death + Taxes" Mar/Apr 2010
7/15/15: FINISHED "Slingshot" Issue #88 Fall 2005
7/2/15: Life For A Life/Cool Side/Frustrated/Armless @ Dad's Den
- Sorry to everybody who was at that Cool Side show, I really pulled a Sam Patch on that one. For real, tho, it's not okay to crowd-bash but it's also not cool to attack other people at a hardcore show. I feel like we were both in the bad but I was kinda more in the bad and I'm sorry. Please don't attack me.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Playlist for June 2015
This is a list of all the albums, EPs, singles, etc. that I listened to in their entirety during the month of June 2015. Afterwards are lists of things I watched, things I read, and things I saw live; notes regarding all are included with each.
Thee Oh Sees - "Mutilator, Defeated At Last"
Hermitude - "Threads"
Dress Code - "Perception" EP
Whitechapel - "Our Endless War"
Neil Young - "Decade 1966-1976" Disc 1
Trapt - S/T
Run The Jewels - "Bust No Moves" EP
Rae Sremmurd - "SremLife"
Celeste - "Morte(s) Nee(s)"
Coyote Kisses - "Thundercolor" EP
The Gears - "Let's Go To The Beach" 7"
Chokehold - "Content With Dying"
Alexisonfire - "Crisis"
Cro-Mags - "Age Of Quarrel"
Krokodil - "An Invisible World Revealed"
Violation - "Possessed" 7"
Armored Saint - "Win Hands Down"
Run The Jewels - S/T
Corners - "Maxed Out On Distractions"
Cold War Kids - "Five Quick Cuts" EP
Pennywise - "Full Circle"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
V/A - "Life On The Fat Lane"
Cake - "Fashion Nugget"
Alabama Shakes - "Sound & Color"
Thievery Corporation - "Saudade"
Tycho - "Awake"
Naked Raygun - "Throb Throb"
Rikk Agnew - "All By Myself"
Freddie Gibbs - "Pronto" EP
tUnE-yArDs - "Nikki Nack"
Namatay Sa Ingay - S/T cassette EP
Judge - "Bringin' It Down"
Vegan Reich - "Hardline" EP
Flying Lotus - "1983"
Youth Draft - Demo 2014
Atmosphere - "Southsiders"
Clayface - Demo
Slipknot - S/T
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Snoop Dogg ft. Stevie Wonder and Pharrell Williams - "California Roll" digital single
Action Bronson - "Mr. Wonderful"
DTAL - "Time to Die" EP
Underneath The Gun - "The Awakening"
Modest Mouse - "We Were Dead Before The Ship Before The Ship Even Sank"
Invisibl Skratch Piklz Vs. Da Klamz Uv Deth - 12"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Magda - "From The Fallen Page"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Helmet - "Betty"
Bold - "Speak Out"
Skrillex ft. Ellie Goulding - "Summit" digital single
Helmet - "Meantime"
Judge - "Chung King Can Suck It" LP
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
!!! - "Louden Up Now"
end of the summer - "Three" EP
end of the summer - "Second" EP
Integrity - "Systems Overload"
Florence + The Machine - "Lungs"
OutKast - "Aquemini"
Above & Beyond - "We're All We Need"
Crisis Arm - "Part Time Punks Session" EP
Andrew Rayel - "Find Your Harmony"
Cardio Kazan - "The Baralax"
Me First & The Gimme Gimmes - "Have A Ball"
Serj Tankian - "Elect The Dead"
The Used - S/T
Descendents - "Somery" compilation album
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
The Gossip - S/T EP
Breaking Benjamin - "Dark Before Dusk"
Family Force 5 - "Time Stands Still"
Robert Delong - "Long Way Down" EP
Jethro Tull - "This Was"
Minnie Driver - "The Minnie Driver Collection" EP
G-Eazy - "These Things Happen"
Ninos du Brasil - "Arombates NDB" b/w "Clelia Clelia" 12" single
The Cure - "Faith"
Hot Chip - "Why Make Sense?"
RL Grime & What So Not - "Tell Me" digital single
Thy Art Is Murder - "Holy War"
Deviated Instinct - "Welcome to the Orgy" EP
Big Gigantic - "Nocturnal
The Misfits - "Walk Among Us"
Shattered Faith - "Power to the Kids" 7"
Infest - "No Man's Slave" LP
The Unseen - "Lower Class Crucifixion"
The Presidents Of The United States Of America - S/T
Five Finger Death Punch - "The Way Of The Fist"
Billy Talent - "Hits"
Hypocrisy - "Inferior Devoties" EP
H2O - S/T
Judas Priest - "5 Souls" EP
Incendiary - "Cost Of Living" EP
By The Grace Of God - "For The Love Of Indie Rock"
Job For A Cowboy - "Sun Eater"
Cock And Ball Torture - "Sadochismo"
Jon Hopkins - "Contact Note"
- Worst of the month: Rae Sremmurd, Breaking Benjamin, Family Force 5
- Rae Sremmurd is some of the absolute worst music I've ever heard and I don't understand how its popular whatsoever...They're like, children and I can't take any of their gangsterisms seriously
- Favorite 'new finds' of the month: Celeste, Krokodil, Vegan Reich, Cardio Kazan, Incendiary, Jon Hopkins
- Man those 90's Fat Wreck compilations were fuckin CRUCIAL
- "Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year."
- tUnE-yArDs is hella overrated. Same thing with Infest.
- "There will be silence..."
- Wow Vegan Reich sounds so much different than I had imagined...I mean obviously I'm not about Hardline politics but there's all sorts of bands I don't see eye to eye with that are worse than them
- I listened to that Slipknot album while loading the tracks from my latest acoustic EP onto bandcamp....Itg also includes the first song my brother Troy ever finished and recorded; check it out
- The dog days are over.
- "Inconvenient, immoral people..."
- I like trance music so much better when there's no vocals...vocals ruin it like 90% of the time
- Man o man Serj Tankian is annoying
- Yes, THAT Minnie Driver
- 20 Eyes In My Head
- That Shattered Faith 7" was really disappointing
- She's lump, she's lump, she's lump, she's in my head. She might be dead.
- My god Billy Talent is fucking ANNOYING how in the hell did they manage a career much less one long enough to warrant a "Hits" album?
- "Don't forget your roots"
- Their early association with deathcore has maligned both their fanbase's opinion of them and the larger metal world's opinion of them, but I feel confident in saying that Job For A Cowboy is one of the best death metal bands operating currently
6/1/15: "Aziz Ansari: Buried Alive"
6/3/15: "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"
6/6/15: "Would You Rather?"
6/7/15: FINISHED "Mad Men" Season 1
"Dead Silence"
6/12/15: "The One I Love"
6/17/15: "Nightwatcher"
6/21/15: FINISHED "The Birthday Boys" Season 2
6/22/15: FINISHED "Mad Men" Season 2
6/23/15: "Don Jon"
"Re-Animator"6/24/15: "Carl Barron: A One Ended Stick"
6/25/15: "W."
"Rodney Carrington: Laughter Is Good"
6/26/15: "A Trip To The Moon"
6/27/15: "Steve Byrne: Champion"
FINISHED "Orange Is The New Black" Season 1
6/28/15: "Hot Girls Wanted"
"Christian Finnegan: The Fun Part"
"Silver Linings Playbook"
6/29/15: "Steve Trevino: Relatable"
6/30/15: "Greenberg"
"Elon Gold: Chosen and Taken"
- Between "Would You Rather?" and "Dead Silence" I think I may have watched 2 of the worst 'horror' movies ever made last month
- "Mad Men" certainly lives up to its hype ; "Orange Is The New Black" is good too but very, very unrealistic
- Jake Gyllenhaal is fucking intense in "Nightwatcher," that movie was pretty tight
- "How do I freshy???"
- Holy shit Scarlett Johansson is so goddamn hot
- Holy shit Jennifer Lawrence is so goddamn hot
6/22/15: FINISHED The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
6/22/15: Empty Vessels/Happy In Hemet/Monochromancy/Orphan Cripplers @ Creep 13 Punx Safe Haus
- I wrote a review for that singular show I went to this month, check it out
Thee Oh Sees - "Mutilator, Defeated At Last"
Hermitude - "Threads"
Dress Code - "Perception" EP
Whitechapel - "Our Endless War"
Neil Young - "Decade 1966-1976" Disc 1
Trapt - S/T
Run The Jewels - "Bust No Moves" EP
Rae Sremmurd - "SremLife"
Celeste - "Morte(s) Nee(s)"
Coyote Kisses - "Thundercolor" EP
The Gears - "Let's Go To The Beach" 7"
Chokehold - "Content With Dying"
Alexisonfire - "Crisis"
Cro-Mags - "Age Of Quarrel"
Krokodil - "An Invisible World Revealed"
Violation - "Possessed" 7"
Armored Saint - "Win Hands Down"
Run The Jewels - S/T
Corners - "Maxed Out On Distractions"
Cold War Kids - "Five Quick Cuts" EP
Pennywise - "Full Circle"
The Gravitys - "Nutrition"
V/A - "Life On The Fat Lane"
Cake - "Fashion Nugget"
Alabama Shakes - "Sound & Color"
Thievery Corporation - "Saudade"
Tycho - "Awake"
Naked Raygun - "Throb Throb"
Rikk Agnew - "All By Myself"
Freddie Gibbs - "Pronto" EP
tUnE-yArDs - "Nikki Nack"
Namatay Sa Ingay - S/T cassette EP
Judge - "Bringin' It Down"
Vegan Reich - "Hardline" EP
Flying Lotus - "1983"
Youth Draft - Demo 2014
Atmosphere - "Southsiders"
Clayface - Demo
Slipknot - S/T
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Snoop Dogg ft. Stevie Wonder and Pharrell Williams - "California Roll" digital single
Action Bronson - "Mr. Wonderful"
DTAL - "Time to Die" EP
Underneath The Gun - "The Awakening"
Modest Mouse - "We Were Dead Before The Ship Before The Ship Even Sank"
Invisibl Skratch Piklz Vs. Da Klamz Uv Deth - 12"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Magda - "From The Fallen Page"
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
Helmet - "Betty"
Bold - "Speak Out"
Skrillex ft. Ellie Goulding - "Summit" digital single
Helmet - "Meantime"
Judge - "Chung King Can Suck It" LP
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
!!! - "Louden Up Now"
end of the summer - "Three" EP
end of the summer - "Second" EP
Integrity - "Systems Overload"
Florence + The Machine - "Lungs"
OutKast - "Aquemini"
Above & Beyond - "We're All We Need"
Crisis Arm - "Part Time Punks Session" EP
Andrew Rayel - "Find Your Harmony"
Cardio Kazan - "The Baralax"
Me First & The Gimme Gimmes - "Have A Ball"
Serj Tankian - "Elect The Dead"
The Used - S/T
Descendents - "Somery" compilation album
end of the summer/Troy Campbell - "Living Situations" split EP
The Gossip - S/T EP
Breaking Benjamin - "Dark Before Dusk"
Family Force 5 - "Time Stands Still"
Robert Delong - "Long Way Down" EP
Jethro Tull - "This Was"
Minnie Driver - "The Minnie Driver Collection" EP
G-Eazy - "These Things Happen"
Ninos du Brasil - "Arombates NDB" b/w "Clelia Clelia" 12" single
The Cure - "Faith"
Hot Chip - "Why Make Sense?"
RL Grime & What So Not - "Tell Me" digital single
Thy Art Is Murder - "Holy War"
Deviated Instinct - "Welcome to the Orgy" EP
Big Gigantic - "Nocturnal
The Misfits - "Walk Among Us"
Shattered Faith - "Power to the Kids" 7"
Infest - "No Man's Slave" LP
The Unseen - "Lower Class Crucifixion"
The Presidents Of The United States Of America - S/T
Five Finger Death Punch - "The Way Of The Fist"
Billy Talent - "Hits"
Hypocrisy - "Inferior Devoties" EP
H2O - S/T
Judas Priest - "5 Souls" EP
Incendiary - "Cost Of Living" EP
By The Grace Of God - "For The Love Of Indie Rock"
Job For A Cowboy - "Sun Eater"
Cock And Ball Torture - "Sadochismo"
Jon Hopkins - "Contact Note"
- Worst of the month: Rae Sremmurd, Breaking Benjamin, Family Force 5
- Rae Sremmurd is some of the absolute worst music I've ever heard and I don't understand how its popular whatsoever...They're like, children and I can't take any of their gangsterisms seriously
- Favorite 'new finds' of the month: Celeste, Krokodil, Vegan Reich, Cardio Kazan, Incendiary, Jon Hopkins
- Man those 90's Fat Wreck compilations were fuckin CRUCIAL
- "Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year."
- tUnE-yArDs is hella overrated. Same thing with Infest.
- "There will be silence..."
- Wow Vegan Reich sounds so much different than I had imagined...I mean obviously I'm not about Hardline politics but there's all sorts of bands I don't see eye to eye with that are worse than them
- I listened to that Slipknot album while loading the tracks from my latest acoustic EP onto bandcamp....Itg also includes the first song my brother Troy ever finished and recorded; check it out
- The dog days are over.
- "Inconvenient, immoral people..."
- I like trance music so much better when there's no vocals...vocals ruin it like 90% of the time
- Man o man Serj Tankian is annoying
- Yes, THAT Minnie Driver
- 20 Eyes In My Head
- That Shattered Faith 7" was really disappointing
- She's lump, she's lump, she's lump, she's in my head. She might be dead.
- My god Billy Talent is fucking ANNOYING how in the hell did they manage a career much less one long enough to warrant a "Hits" album?
- "Don't forget your roots"
- Their early association with deathcore has maligned both their fanbase's opinion of them and the larger metal world's opinion of them, but I feel confident in saying that Job For A Cowboy is one of the best death metal bands operating currently
6/1/15: "Aziz Ansari: Buried Alive"
6/3/15: "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"
6/6/15: "Would You Rather?"
6/7/15: FINISHED "Mad Men" Season 1
"Dead Silence"
6/12/15: "The One I Love"
6/17/15: "Nightwatcher"
6/21/15: FINISHED "The Birthday Boys" Season 2
6/22/15: FINISHED "Mad Men" Season 2
6/23/15: "Don Jon"
"Re-Animator"6/24/15: "Carl Barron: A One Ended Stick"
6/25/15: "W."
"Rodney Carrington: Laughter Is Good"
6/26/15: "A Trip To The Moon"
6/27/15: "Steve Byrne: Champion"
FINISHED "Orange Is The New Black" Season 1
6/28/15: "Hot Girls Wanted"
"Christian Finnegan: The Fun Part"
"Silver Linings Playbook"
6/29/15: "Steve Trevino: Relatable"
6/30/15: "Greenberg"
"Elon Gold: Chosen and Taken"
- Between "Would You Rather?" and "Dead Silence" I think I may have watched 2 of the worst 'horror' movies ever made last month
- "Mad Men" certainly lives up to its hype ; "Orange Is The New Black" is good too but very, very unrealistic
- Jake Gyllenhaal is fucking intense in "Nightwatcher," that movie was pretty tight
- "How do I freshy???"
- Holy shit Scarlett Johansson is so goddamn hot
- Holy shit Jennifer Lawrence is so goddamn hot
6/22/15: FINISHED The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
6/22/15: Empty Vessels/Happy In Hemet/Monochromancy/Orphan Cripplers @ Creep 13 Punx Safe Haus
- I wrote a review for that singular show I went to this month, check it out
Saturday, June 27, 2015
SHOW REVIEW: Empty Vessels/Happy In Hemet/Monochromancy/Orphan Cripplers @ Creep 13 Punx Safe Haus 6/22/15
This was a spur-of-the-moment show for me; I had seen the flyer on Bean's FB page, noticed it was a free show and that they'd be coming my way as they headed from from Hemet to Escondido, and tossed out the suggestion that he and Viv pick me up while en route despite the fact that I had no gas money. I didn't really expect them to take me up on it but to my surprise they were down and around 7:45 they picked me up from my apartment. The ride down to Esco was pretty chill, listening to grunge (including a Nirvana song I'd somehow never heard before) and although Bean's GPS was a bit off and we had to backtrack a few miles we still got there before the first band was set up.Upon arrival Bean downed his only beer and I had some vodka shots; they played me one of the songs from their upcoming EP and it was good stuff, although the snare drum and bass guitar tracks need to be raised.
I needed to use the bathroom so we got out and awkwardly approached the house. It was a one-story pad that seemed to just spill out organically onto the patio where there were a few circles of punks hanging out. There was also a fire-pit across the driveway where some more people were chilling, and I asked an obviously-drunk dude with a goatee where the bathroom was. He guided me down a hallway to what appeared to be the only bathroom in the small house, next to the kitchen. The guy was a bit older than anybody else there and was like the kind of former-skater punk type who's still gnar'd out even though his knees probably aren't what they used to be, and by skate-punk I mean more Smut Peddlers/Dr. Know than Pennywise/Guttermouth. You know the type. I think it may have been his house but I don't think we ever really confirmed who was actually hosting this show.
The first band was a group called Orphan Cripplers, a 3-piece grind-punk band that didn't do much for me but weren't entirely terrible either. They had a couple pointlessly short songs, as bands of this ilk are wont to have, but they managed to mix up the tempo between circle-pit/D-beat thrash to slower quasi-breakdowns enough to keep it from being boring. A bigger guy was trying to get a pit started the whole set and I guess my headbanging indicated that I was down for that cuz he kept trying to put his arm around my shoulder to bring me into his imaginary circle but wasn't all butt-hurt when I politely resisted. A couple kids did eventually slam with him.
After the set Bean & Viv went to get some more beer because they hadn't brought nearly enough alcohol to sustain a punk house show, so I snaked my way into a circle with some of the kids who had been dancing during Orphan Cripplers. They were all younger than me, I wanna say probably around 20 years old, so they were full of enthusiasm and jokes and friendly vibes. They were based around a small keg of Stone beer as well so that sealed the deal. All they had were small Styrofoam cups and the beer was a bit foamy but some dude looked at me and was like, 'help yourself man!' and it was much appreciated. I introduced myself to some girl named Ari who apparently does the booking for these shows before Java showed up and we started chatting it up. Also during this juncture that bigger mosh guy came up to me and introduced himself - his name is Jimmy. I explained that my leg was hurt and that's why I wasn't trying to get too rowdy (which was a half-truth) and he was like, 'it's all good man!' Drunk Skate Guy came out of the house and said something along the lines of 'come inside and watch Monochromancy! I just learned a new word!"
Monochromancy is a dude doing abstract dark soundscapes on his electric guitar; I'm not very well-versed in this type of stuff although I generally like it, but for that reason I don't really describe it too well. My first thought is that it's like my buddy Doug's project Light Light but far heavier and thrashier. Homie was really killing those strings, I can't believe he didn't break anything with how hard he was strumming. Again, I don't really understand sound manipulation or pedals or guitar FX pretty much at all so my commentary here is limited in that regard, but it was a cool set and the dude was nice when I talked to him afterward.
Happy In Hemet was up next and I stood around inside the house as they set up their stuff. I always wanna help people set up and break down their equipment so as to be of some kind of assistance, but even in my own band I feel like I'm just getting in the way. They did, however, specifically ask me to set up the baby heads around them when the amps were ready, to which I gladly obliged. If you've never seen Happy In Hemet (formerly Beanvian Stalks Guava) they have a sort-of schtick where they surround their performance area with mannequin heads adorned with baby-face masks so as to create a surreally creepy aura around them. I made sure to put one above the TV stand next to Viv's set-up so it looked like it was peering down ominously on the crowd.
The band played a great set; I've seen this group many, many times over the last few years and this one of the tightest sets I've seen from them. They had mentioned that they've been practicing a lot more often lately and it shows. Also, they seem to have a number of new songs - or at least, new to me. Bean was very concerned about the levels of the various amps but it all sounded good and the crowd reacted very positively. Happy In Hemet have a very unique style and for the most part they stand out from whoever else they play with, and tonight they definitely built excitement where before there was just a somewhat by-the-numbers punk show. People were feeling the weirdness. People were getting Happy. Towards the end of the set Bean encouraged the kids in the crowd to put on the baby-face masks, a request duly met as masks were thrown into the pit.
A big part of what made this show dope was that although everybody was punked out and halfway-if-not-more-drunk, there weren't any assholes, everybody was real cool. Even though me and the Hemet crew were the odd men out and everyone else seemed to already know each other, people were hella friendly and encouraged us to start coming to shows there more often. I think I might do as such.
The last band of the night was Empty Vessels, a 2-piece hardcore band on tour from Connecticut. For some reason I expected them to be, like, youth-crew HC or something but it was more along the lines of Deathwish technical heavy hardcore. Maybe its just lumping them together because they both have a female guitarist/vocalist but I got a Code Orange vibe during their set. There were some very interesting time changes and well-executed off-kilter fills throughout the set; the only problem was that the vocals were pretty much inaudible. Both the drummer and the guitarist were screaming their heads off but the music was so loud it was impossible to hear anything they said. All in all it was a good set though.
After the show was done I lingered outside next to a tree where I had hung my backpack. Bean & Viv had left a few songs into Empty Vessels' set so I was waiting on Java , who bought a CD from the guitarist girl. I think her name was Allison. I asked if she'd be down for a short interview but she sad she wanted to wait for her drummer, which was understandable. Jimmy & some other kid who were cleaning up accidentally dropped a glass bottle in between where Java's car was parked and where we needed to drive so we waited for them to clean it up. The drummer guy was taking forever and I really only had basic, rudimentary questions anyway so I nixed the interview idea and we said bye to everybody. On the way home we listened to the CD Java had bought and it seemed like a real quick drive. When I got home I put on the Descendents and went to sleep.
I needed to use the bathroom so we got out and awkwardly approached the house. It was a one-story pad that seemed to just spill out organically onto the patio where there were a few circles of punks hanging out. There was also a fire-pit across the driveway where some more people were chilling, and I asked an obviously-drunk dude with a goatee where the bathroom was. He guided me down a hallway to what appeared to be the only bathroom in the small house, next to the kitchen. The guy was a bit older than anybody else there and was like the kind of former-skater punk type who's still gnar'd out even though his knees probably aren't what they used to be, and by skate-punk I mean more Smut Peddlers/Dr. Know than Pennywise/Guttermouth. You know the type. I think it may have been his house but I don't think we ever really confirmed who was actually hosting this show.
The first band was a group called Orphan Cripplers, a 3-piece grind-punk band that didn't do much for me but weren't entirely terrible either. They had a couple pointlessly short songs, as bands of this ilk are wont to have, but they managed to mix up the tempo between circle-pit/D-beat thrash to slower quasi-breakdowns enough to keep it from being boring. A bigger guy was trying to get a pit started the whole set and I guess my headbanging indicated that I was down for that cuz he kept trying to put his arm around my shoulder to bring me into his imaginary circle but wasn't all butt-hurt when I politely resisted. A couple kids did eventually slam with him.
After the set Bean & Viv went to get some more beer because they hadn't brought nearly enough alcohol to sustain a punk house show, so I snaked my way into a circle with some of the kids who had been dancing during Orphan Cripplers. They were all younger than me, I wanna say probably around 20 years old, so they were full of enthusiasm and jokes and friendly vibes. They were based around a small keg of Stone beer as well so that sealed the deal. All they had were small Styrofoam cups and the beer was a bit foamy but some dude looked at me and was like, 'help yourself man!' and it was much appreciated. I introduced myself to some girl named Ari who apparently does the booking for these shows before Java showed up and we started chatting it up. Also during this juncture that bigger mosh guy came up to me and introduced himself - his name is Jimmy. I explained that my leg was hurt and that's why I wasn't trying to get too rowdy (which was a half-truth) and he was like, 'it's all good man!' Drunk Skate Guy came out of the house and said something along the lines of 'come inside and watch Monochromancy! I just learned a new word!"

Happy In Hemet was up next and I stood around inside the house as they set up their stuff. I always wanna help people set up and break down their equipment so as to be of some kind of assistance, but even in my own band I feel like I'm just getting in the way. They did, however, specifically ask me to set up the baby heads around them when the amps were ready, to which I gladly obliged. If you've never seen Happy In Hemet (formerly Beanvian Stalks Guava) they have a sort-of schtick where they surround their performance area with mannequin heads adorned with baby-face masks so as to create a surreally creepy aura around them. I made sure to put one above the TV stand next to Viv's set-up so it looked like it was peering down ominously on the crowd.
The band played a great set; I've seen this group many, many times over the last few years and this one of the tightest sets I've seen from them. They had mentioned that they've been practicing a lot more often lately and it shows. Also, they seem to have a number of new songs - or at least, new to me. Bean was very concerned about the levels of the various amps but it all sounded good and the crowd reacted very positively. Happy In Hemet have a very unique style and for the most part they stand out from whoever else they play with, and tonight they definitely built excitement where before there was just a somewhat by-the-numbers punk show. People were feeling the weirdness. People were getting Happy. Towards the end of the set Bean encouraged the kids in the crowd to put on the baby-face masks, a request duly met as masks were thrown into the pit.

The last band of the night was Empty Vessels, a 2-piece hardcore band on tour from Connecticut. For some reason I expected them to be, like, youth-crew HC or something but it was more along the lines of Deathwish technical heavy hardcore. Maybe its just lumping them together because they both have a female guitarist/vocalist but I got a Code Orange vibe during their set. There were some very interesting time changes and well-executed off-kilter fills throughout the set; the only problem was that the vocals were pretty much inaudible. Both the drummer and the guitarist were screaming their heads off but the music was so loud it was impossible to hear anything they said. All in all it was a good set though.

After the show was done I lingered outside next to a tree where I had hung my backpack. Bean & Viv had left a few songs into Empty Vessels' set so I was waiting on Java , who bought a CD from the guitarist girl. I think her name was Allison. I asked if she'd be down for a short interview but she sad she wanted to wait for her drummer, which was understandable. Jimmy & some other kid who were cleaning up accidentally dropped a glass bottle in between where Java's car was parked and where we needed to drive so we waited for them to clean it up. The drummer guy was taking forever and I really only had basic, rudimentary questions anyway so I nixed the interview idea and we said bye to everybody. On the way home we listened to the CD Java had bought and it seemed like a real quick drive. When I got home I put on the Descendents and went to sleep.
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