Wednesday, November 4, 2015

INTERVIEW: My roommate's cat Alfie 11/3/15

[Alfie enters room]
IAN: O hi there baby what are you doing
ALFIE: [sniffs around at the doorway]
I: I love you baby
A: [slowly looks around the desk]
I: Why don't you come over here Alfie??
A: [continues perusing]
I: [changes music on computer]
A: [subtly rubs tail against Ian's leg]
I: O the baby!!
A: [walks away and lays near the laundry]
I: Why don't you love me as much as I love you???
A: [looks away from Ian]
I: Kitty, Are You The Baby?
A: [crosses arms very properly, indicating that he is, in fact, The Baby]
I: OK baby I love you, I'm gonna pick you up
[Ian picks up Alfie]
A: MEOW!!!!
[Ian puts Alfie down and he saunters out of the room]
I: Baby....

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