Wednesday, June 15, 2016

INTERVIEW: Lance from Variants, April 30th 2016 at The Dial

Variants is a pop-punk/emo band from New Orleans who played at The Dial's final show in Temecula, CA on April 30th and after their set I had a short conversation with the vocalist Lance. Check it out.

IAN: Alright this is Ian, I'm here with Lance from Variants...I just watched you guys here at The Dial; this is the last show we're ever gonna do here. You guys are from New Orleans?
LANCE: Yes sir
I: That's a long way from home
L: Yes, it is
I: Do you normally play places like this?
L: We usually try to stay local but we booked this last thing a few months ago and we really wanted to branch out, see new places and everything
I: I see you've got this album called "Commonwealth;" is the first thing you've released on this level?
L: No, we have a full-length out called "The Concept of Color." We released that about 2 years ago, about that, but this is the first thing in our new direction.
I: Sure. Now, I don't know if this will come as an insult or as a compliment; you guys sound to me, especially your voice: {early] Fall Out Boy.
L: I have heard that a lot.
I: How do you feel about that?
L: I love Fall Out Boy. "Take This To Your Grave" is probably one of my top 5 albums ever.
I: Now I'm just gonna be blunt: you are a great singer, but communicating, I can see you have a bit of a stutter
L: Yes I do
I: Do you know if that's a genetic thing or a nervous thing or...
L: I have had a stutter since I was 2 [years old], but singing is on the left side of the brain and speaking is on the right, so that something to do with it, I guess
I: Well either way you're a great singer
L: Thank you so much man
I: So where are you guys going from here?
L: Tomorrow we are playing the Chain Reaction actually
I: How long have you been on the road so far?
L: This is day 8 of about 30 days
I: God Damn
L: Yeah it should be pretty fun
I: So do you guys have anything coming to follow this album?
L: Yes, we are going into the studio around late June-ish, around there. Hopefully we'll have something new out by the turn of the new year.
I: Hey, there you go. Well again, you had a great set tonight, I really enjoyed your shit and I wish you well on the tour
L: Hell yeah, thanks dude
I: The last thing I always ask people when I'm talking to them: What's your favorite breakfast food?
L: Breakfast food? Oh dude, oh fuck...honestly man I'd say french toast. I'm a huge french toast guy.
I: There you go. That's a perfect answer. Well thank you again, Lance
L: Absolutely
I: I hope everything goes well on the rest of your trip

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