Sunday, February 24, 2013

SHOW MINI-REVIEW: Fever Dreams/The Coltranes/Globe & Beast/Apathean/Ezra/Hands That Mold

This was a real cool show but I just knew from the outset that I didn't want to write a full-length review. So I just took a couple pics and videotaped 2 songs in full by Ezra from what turned out to be their final set...Here are some general notes on how the show went.

- I watched the movie "Memento" for the first time before I left the Heath house for the show. It was okay, I thought it was gonna be way doper. Movies are lame.
- The homeboy Dakota gave me a brown Hawaiian shirt with fish all over it and I'm gonna wear this shit on the regular.
- Zack and Dustin were both scamming on girls wayyy too young for them, those scandalous ne'erdowells
- Memento Mori announced at the beginning of their set that they were changing their name to Hands That Mold (I talked to the guitarist afterwards and that is indeed because of the Dystopia song)....they were cool, heavy but a bit repetitive and the PA kept going out on the vocals.
- Ezra played next and they were REALLY FUCKING GOOD. The drummer and guitarist in particular, they were just so fucking fast yet spot-on. It was odd, they were a hardcore band but the first band that comes to mind when I want to compare them to something is Wolves In The Throne Room. Unfortunately I found out upon giving them props post-set that this was actually their final set. The drummer and bassist are trying to do other stuff I guess. It's a shame because these guys played a SOLID set. I managed to get 2 full songs recorded to video so check those out:EZRA at the Dial 1; EZRA at The Dial 2
- Some shmammered blonde punk girl that seemed to be there with no one at all was wandering around like a lost vermin all night and at one point I saw her digging through the cigarette ash-bucket for butts.
- Apathean are always badass. They were a bit muddy this time but it was a fun time and some kid was straight up rolling on the floor, Dance Of Death-style during one of the breakdowns. I had never seen that in real life before. He won the "best mosher" contest and got the last kitty shirt.
- The next band was Globe And Beast, who I've heard of from various hardcore fliers in the last few years but had never really checked out before this show. They were cool but I made a mac n' cheese bowl right before so honestly I was kinda focused on that for the first few songs. Definitely the heaviest band of the night. Some dude was stomping around the pit in a fucking leg cast; Dope as that is, I'm pretty sure that's not what the doctor ordered. That casted bastard ended up throwing fists and hitting me squarely in the nose and there was blood. Sweet delicious blood.
- By the time The Coltranes went on we were all loopy. This was the first public performance with JJ Motherboy on guitar and Spenny Heath rock-starring around solely as a "vocalist." It was cool. We were all getting loose as shit, a real healthy fun mosh pit. I think I socked every single one of my friends who were there in the face during this set. Good times. They even played "Bland." I lost my voice screaming nonsense into the microphone at the very end of the set and busted open my pinky finger punching Evan's ride cymbal. I don't know why I love doing that so much I always end up cutting my finger.
- Fever Dreams was the last band I saw and although I REALLY liked their new full-length when I listened to it online, I just wasn't feeling it live. The vocalist in particular was just SO weak, it was like he had never screamed before. It was just grating. The music was okay but seemed way more chaotic (/sloppy?) than the album. I honestly was kind of let down. Then again I was also pretty tired. Fever Dreams should have played when Globe & Beast played so more locals would have stuck around.
- Seizures was still set to play next but as much as I love them (I rock their pin on my backpack erry day), I have seen Seizures like 5 times in the last few months and all my normal rides were mobbing out. I tend to get anxious when that happens.

Evan Coltrane gave me a ride home and I wrote this review.

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